Tracker for issues specific to the Vulkan version of Dota 2 on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- This tracker is only for issues impacting the Vulkan version of Dota 2. For non-Vulkan Dota 2 Linux/macOS issues please use For all other Dota 2 bugs, use
- Before filing a bug, please make sure your system meets the minimum requirements and you have a supported driver installed.
- Please make sure to opt-in to the Steam Client Beta for the latest Steam Vulkan Overlay (fixes performance issue with Steam Overlay)
- Enable with the -vulkan launch option after downloading the Vulkan Beta DLC or choose "Vulkan" in the Video Options (requires restart of game). Remove -dx9/-dx11/-gl (if present) from any previous launch options. You will know if you're properly running Vulkan if Vulkan-specific commands are available in the console, such as 'vulkan_memgr_print'
- Minimum requirements for Dota 2 Vulkan:
- Windows 7/8/10 64-bit: NVIDIA Kepler-series+ (365.19+ driver), AMD 7700+ (Crimson driver)
- Linux 64-bit: NVIDIA Kepler-series+ (364.16+ driver), AMD GCN 1.2 (16.20.3 driver)
- macOS 10.13.4+ with a Metal-capable GPU
- NOTE: NVIDIA's driver does not support Vulkan on Fermi GPUs, this includes some low end models in the 600/700/800 series, so please make sure you have a Kepler (GKxxx), Maxwell (GMxxx), Pascal (GPxxx) or Turing (TUxxx) GPU before posting a bug. This is especially confusing because some models such as the GT730 have both a Fermi and Kepler model. You can check for sure by looking up your [NVIDIA PCI Device ID] ( The Device ID can be found in
->System Information
. - 2GB of GPU Memory required - may experience crashes with < 2GB of GPU memory.
If the game fails to launch with a "missing executable" error, please use Steam to verify the integrity of the game's files in order to acquire the missing binaries.
- The first time you run with Vulkan you may experience short stutters while the engine caches shaders on disk. After playing through or watching a match, these stutters should go away.
There are basic rules of conduct that should be followed at all times by everyone participating in the discussions. While this is generally a relaxed environment, please remember the following:
- Do not insult, harass, or demean anyone.
- Do not intentionally multi-post an issue.
- Do not use ALL CAPS when creating an issue report.
- Do not repeatedly update an open issue remarking that the issue persists.
Remember: Just because the issue you reported was reported here does not mean that it is an issue with Dota 2 Reborn. As well, should your issue not be resolved immediately, it does not mean that a resolution is not being researched or tested. Patience is always appreciated.
If you encounter a bug while using Dota 2 Vulkan, first search the issue list to see if it has already been reported. Include closed issues in your search.
If it has not been reported, create a new issue with at least the following information:
- what platform this is occurring on: Linux or Windows 7/8/10;
- a short, descriptive title;
- a detailed description of the issue, including any output from the command line;
- steps for reproducing the issue; and
- your system information.
Please place logs either in a code block (press M
in your browser for a GFM cheat sheet) or a gist.
Your system information must include:
- your Linux distro or Windows version
- if Linux, your Desktop/Window Manager
- your Graphics card info (manufacturer, card version), any and all graphics driver versions
- anything else that you think may be useful (mouse/keyboard, filesystem type, etc).
The preferred and easiest way to get this information is from Steam's Hardware Information viewer from the menu (Help -> System Information
Once your information appears: right-click within the dialog, choose Select All
, right-click again, and then choose Copy
Paste this information into your report, preferably in a code block or a gist.
This repository is not meant for Dota 2 feature requests. There are forums dedicated to general Dota 2 discussion at