├── data # data folder: contains all data needed to load the streamlit app.
│ ├── report_countries.csv # file containing all countries processed in the project
├── data_sources_processing_src # Folder containing data sources processing scripts, each subfolder contains scripts for a different data source.
| ├── data_sources_processing # Folder containing data sources processing scripts, each subfolder contains scripts for a different data source.
| ├── acaps_inform_severity # ACAPS, INFORM Severity Index
| ├── acaps_protection_indicators # ACAPS, Protection Indicators
| ├── acled # ACLED
| ├── idmc # IDMC
| ├── ipc # IPC
| ├── ocha_hpc # OCHA HPC
| ├── ohchr # OHCHR legal frameowork
| |__ datasets_metadata.json # .json file containing metadata about updating status of different datasets
| |__ utils.py # utils functions for dataset updating
| |── crontab # cron configuration for scheduled task
| |── Dockerfile # configuration file to create docker image
| |── pyproject.toml # libraries dependency configuration
| |── poetry.lock # libraries lock file
| |── update_datasets.py # main script to update the datasets
├── frontend_src # Folder containing the frontend scripts
| ├── .streamlit # contains passwords
│ ├── secrets.toml # contains streamlit secrets file
| ├── frontend # Folder containing the frontend scripts
| ├── custom_pages # Contains main pages pages displayed..
| ├── country_wide_analysis # Scripts containing country-wise pages
| |__ country_profile.py # COUNTRY PROFILE page script
| |__ crisis_wise_analysis.py # CRISIS-WISE page script
| ├── worldwide_analysis # Scripts containing world-wide pages
| |__ worldwide_analysis.py # Script for first streamlit page: GLOBAL OVERVIEW
| ├── images # Contains util functions to be called in different pages.
| ├── src # Contains util functions to be called in different pages.
| ├── authentification # Contains authentification scripts
| |__ auth.py
| ├── utils # Contains util scripts, loaded across different scripts.
| |__ load_geodata.py # Contains functions for loading geodata (worldwide and contry-wide)
| |__ utils_functions.py # Contains util functions to be called in different pages.
| ├── specific_datasets_scripts # Contains scripts for each datasource, each datasource is processed in a different script for clarity.
| |__ acaps_inform_severity.py # ACAPS, INFORM Severity Index
| |__ acled.py # ACLED
| |__ idmc.py # IDMC
| |__ ipc.py # IPC
| |__ legal_framework_results_display.py # OHCHR legal frameowork processing
| |__ ocha_hpc.py # OCHA HPC
| |__ protection_data_display.py # ACAPS, Protection Indicators
| |__ unicef_data_processing.py # Unicef Global indicator database
| ├── visualizations # Contains visualizations scripts
| |__ barchart.py # Contains scripts containing visualizations with everything containing bars (stackbars, horizontal, vertical barcharts, ...)
| |__ maps_creation.py # Contains scripts for maps creation (country-wide and worldwide)
| ├── app.py # Home page of the streamlit application, to be run to launch the app.
| ├── Dockerfile # configuration file to create docker image
| ├── pyproject.toml # libraries dependency configuration
| ├── poetry.lock # libraries lock file
├── docker-compose.yml # docker configuration main yaml file.
├── README.md # Readme file, containing main informations about the project
Note 1: There are .env.sample
files in both the directories data_sources_processing_src
and frontend_src
Please copy those files and rename those files as .env
and set the corresponding environment variables.
Note 2: The password of the streamlit application has to be set in this file .streamlit/secrets.toml
or set Environment variable STREAMLIT_USER_PASSWORD in .env file.
Note 3: For the production deployment, those environment variables are maintained in Parameter Stores in AWS.
In a shell, run bash update_sources.sh
Go the Fieldmaps website and download the amin level boundaries for admin0 and admin1 levels. Name them adm0_polygons.gpkg
and adm1_polygons.gpkg
respectively. Place them in the folder data/datasources/polygons_data
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
Note that the data sources need to be manually loaded in the docker container in the /data directory if you want to instantly visualize the contents in the dashboard.