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Jello Simulation Using OpengGL 🍮

By Angel Lam and Varun Ramakrishnan



  • Physically-based Jello Simulation using Mass-Spring System

    • Collision detection and response with the bounding box

  • Beer's Law

  • Integration (Euler and Runge-Kutta 4th Order)

  • Optimization with OpenMP


  • Cursor to jiggle the jello, acceleration and the direction of the cursor determines the force on the jello
  • Holding P + shake the cursor to shake the plate that the jello is on
  • Holding C + left/middle/right mouse to rotate/pan/zoom the camera
  • Edit the color, absorption color, specular color of the jello's material
  • Edit the light color and position
  • Edit/visualize physics paraeters (jello resolution, spring types, stiffness, damping, mass and timestep)

Evaluation and Future work

  • Implement per vertex lighting to eliminate triangulated surfaces when the jello has low resolution
  • Implement skybox or a background that is not a solid color to better visualize the characteristics of the jello's material
  • Speed up simulation by moving it to compute shader (on the GPU)
  • Enable collision with other objects in the bounding box
  • Allow jello to jiggle of the plate