Implementation import-maps generator
> npx immg --help
-b, --baseUrlPath [type] <string> path to root package.json
-f, --forceMode [type] <boolean> if enable - force rewrite previous importmap (default: false)
-x, --prefix [type] <string> append prefix to path (default: "") for generate in importsmap
example: with arg './module/' in package.importmap.json:
"@my/lib": "node_modules/@tc/asynchronous-lib/dist/"
generate that:
"@my/lib": "./module/node_modules/@tc/asynchronous-lib/dist/"
-h, --help display help for command
npx immg --baseUrlPath D:/path/to/your/package.json --forceMode true --prefix ./module/
> cd path/to/your/project
> npx immg -x ./module/ -f true
npm i -g
> npx immg-netstat --help
-p, --pathToFile [type] <string> path to package.importmap.json
-u, --baseUrl [type] <string> base url to server with modules
-h, --help display help for command
npx immg-netstat -p D:/path/to/your/package.importmap.json -u https://localhost:9000/your/project/root
- Basic generator import path
- Specifier remapping
- Scoping support
- Web checker access es-module via response code
- Dynamic import map API