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Scripts used in httpd containers for configuring authentication


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Httpd Configmap Generator

Gem Version Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage Dependency Status Security


This GEM provides a CLI to automate the generation of auth-config maps which can be used with the httpd auth pod for enabling external authentication.

Install as follows:

gem install httpd_configmap_generator

Running the tool

Generating an auth-config map can be done by running the httpd_configmap_generator tool

$ httpd_configmap_generator --help
httpd_configmap_generator 0.1.1 - External Authentication Configuration script

Usage: httpd_configmap_generator auth_type | update | export [--help | options]

supported auth_type: active-directory, ipa, ldap, saml, oidc

httpd_configmap_generator options are:
  -V, --version    Version of the httpd_configmap_generator command
  -h, --help       Show this message

Showing the usage for each authentication type or sub-command as follows:

$ httpd_configmap_generator ipa --help

Supported Authentication Types

auth-type Identity Provider/Environment for usage:
active-directory Active Directory domain realm join README-active-directory
ipa IPA, IPA 2-factor authentication, IPA/AD Trust README-ipa
ldap Ldap directories README-ldap
saml Keycloak, etc. README-saml
OpenID-Connect (oidc) Keycloak, etc. README-oidc

Updating an auth configuration map:

With the update subcommand, it is possible to add file(s) to the configuration map as per the following usage:

$ httpd_configmap_generator update --help
  -i, --input=<s>       Input config map file
  -o, --output=<s>      Output config map file
  -f, --force           Force configuration if configured already
  -d, --debug           Enable debugging
  -a, --add-file=<s>    Add file to config map
  -h, --help            Show this message

The --add-file option can be specified multiple times, one per file to add to a configuration map.

Supported file specification for the --add-file option are:



  • file-url is an http URL
  • file-permission can be specified as: mode:owner:group


Adding files by specifying paths:

The file ownership and permissions will be based on the files specified.

$ httpd_configmap_generator update \
  --input=/tmp/original-auth-configmap.yaml                    \
  --add-file=/etc/openldap/cacerts/primary-directory-cert.pem  \
  --add-file=/etc/openldap/cacerts/seconday-directory-cert.pem \

Adding target files from different source directories:

$ httpd_configmap_generator update \
  --input=/tmp/original-auth-configmap.yaml                                        \
  --add-file=/tmp/uploaded-cert1,/etc/openldap/cacerts/primary-directory-cert.pem  \
  --add-file=/tmp/uploaded-cert2,/etc/openldap/cacerts/seconday-directory-cert.pem \

The file ownership and permissions will be based on the source files specified, in this case the ownership and permissiong of the /tmp/uploaded-cert1 and /tmp/uploaded-cert2 files will be used.

Adding a target file with user specified ownership and mode:

$ httpd_configmap_generator update \
  --input=/tmp/original-auth-configmap.yaml                          \
  --add-file=/tmp/secondary-keytab,/etc/http2.keytab,600:apache:root \

Adding files by URL:

$ httpd_configmap_generator update \
  --input=/tmp/original-auth-configmap.yaml \
  --add-file=http://aab-keycloak:8080/auth/realms/testrealm/protocol/saml/description,/etc/httpd/saml2/idp-metadata.xml,644:root:root \

When downloading a file by URL, a target file path and file ownership/mode must be specified.

Exporting a file from an auth configuration map

With the export subcommand, it is possible to export a file from the configuration map as per the following usage:

$ httpd_configmap_generator export --help
  -i, --input=<s>     Input config map file
  -l, --file=<s>      Config map file to export
  -o, --output=<s>    The output file being exported
  -f, --force         Force configuration if configured already
  -d, --debug         Enable debugging
  -h, --help          Show this message


Extract the sssd.conf file out of the auth configuration map:

$ httpd_configmap_generator export \
  --input=/tmp/external-ipa.yaml \
  --file=/etc/sssd/sssd.conf     \

Building the Httpd Configmap Generator in a Container

Container for configuring external authentication for the httpd auth pod. It is based on the auth httpd container and generates the httpd auth-config map needed to enable external authentication.


$ git clone

Running with Docker

Building container image

$ cd httpd_configmap_generator
$ docker build . -t manageiq/httpd_configmap_generator:latest

Running the httpd_configmap_generator container

$ docker run --privileged manageiq/httpd_configmap_generator:latest &

Getting the httpd_configmap_generator container id:

$ CONFIGMAP_GENERATOR_ID="`docker ps -l -q`"

Generating a configmap for external authentication against IPA

While the httpd_configmap_generator tool can be run in the container by first getting into a bash shell:

$ docker exec -it $CONFIGMAP_GENERATOR_ID /bin/bash -i

The tool can also be executed directly as follows:

Example for generating a configuration map for IPA:

$ docker exec $CONFIGMAP_GENERATOR_ID httpd_configmap_generator ipa \        \  \            \
    --ipa-realm=EXAMPLE.COM             \
    --ipa-principal=admin               \
    --ipa-password=smartvm1             \
    -o /tmp/external-ipa.yaml

--host above must be the DNS of the application exposing the httpd auth pod,


Copying the new auth configmap back locally:

$ docker cp $CONFIGMAP_GENERATOR_ID:/tmp/external-ipa.yaml ./external-ipa.yaml

The new configmap can then be applied to the auth httpd pod and then redeployed to take effect:

$ oc replace configmaps httpd-auth-configs --filename ./external-ipa.yaml

Stopping the httpd_configmap_generator container

When completed with httpd_configmap_generator, the container can simply be stopped and/or removed:

$ docker rmi --force manageiq/httpd_configmap_generator:latest

Running with OpenShift

Pre-deployment tasks

The httpd-configmap-generator service account must be added to the httpd-scc-sysadmin SCC before the Httpd Configmap Generator can run.

As Admin

Create the httpd-scc-sysadmin SCC:

$ oc create -f templates/httpd-scc-sysadmin.yaml

Include the httpd-configmap-generator service account with the new SCC:

$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user httpd-scc-sysadmin system:serviceaccount:<your-namespace>:httpd-configmap-generator

Verify that the httpd-configmap-generator service account is now included in the httpd-scc-sysadmin SCC:

$ oc describe scc httpd-scc-sysadmin | grep Users
Users:        system:serviceaccount:<your-namespace>:httpd-configmap-generator

Deploy the Httpd Configmap Generator Application

As basic user

$ oc create -f templates/httpd-configmap-generator-template.yaml

$ oc get templates
NAME                        DESCRIPTION                                 PARAMETERS     OBJECTS
httpd-configmap-generator   Httpd Configmap Generator                   6 (all set)    3

Deploy the Httpd Configmap Generator

$ oc new-app --template=httpd-configmap-generator

Check the readiness of the Httpd Configmap Generator

$ oc get pods
NAME                                READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
httpd-configmap-generator-1-txc34   1/1       Running   0          1h

Getting the POD Name

For working with the httpd_configmap_generator script in the httpd-configmap-generator pod, it is necessary to get the pod name reference below:

$ CONFIGMAP_GENERATOR_POD=`oc get pods | grep "httpd-configmap-generator" | cut -f1 -d" "`

Generating a configmap for external authentication against IPA

$ oc exec $CONFIGMAP_GENERATOR_POD  -- bash -c 'httpd_configmap_generator ipa ...

Example configuration:

$ oc exec $CONFIGMAP_GENERATOR_POD -- bash -c 'httpd_configmap_generator ipa \        \  \            \
    --ipa-realm=EXAMPLE.COM             \
    --ipa-principal=admin               \
    --ipa-password=smartvm1             \
    -o /tmp/external-ipa.yaml'

--host above must be the DNS of the application exposing the httpd auth pod,


Copying the new auth configmap back locally:

$ oc cp $CONFIGMAP_GENERATOR_POD:/tmp/external-ipa.yaml ./external-ipa.yaml

The new configmap can then be applied to the auth httpd pod and then redeployed to take effect:

$ oc replace configmaps httpd-auth-configs --filename ./external-ipa.yaml

To generate a new auth configuration map it is recommended to redeploy the httpd_configmap_generator pod first to get a clean environment before running the httpd_configmap_generator tool.

When done generating an auth-configmap, the httpd_configmap_generator pod can simply be scaled down:

$ oc scale dc httpd-configmap-generator --replicas=0

or deleted if no longer needed:

$ oc delete all  -l app=httpd-configmap-generator
$ oc delete pods -l app=httpd-configmap-generator


Scripts used in httpd containers for configuring authentication







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  • Ruby 98.1%
  • Dockerfile 1.7%
  • Shell 0.2%