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denisbt edited this page Jul 22, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the WeathGet wiki!

How to install WeathGet ?

  • Download the latest release
  • Extract the .zip archive
  • Enter the folder and run WeathGet.exe
  • If an warning message appear, just ignore it (don't be frightened, the source code is here and it's just because I'm not approved by Microsoft
  • If you have an error, you can report it here
  • Enjoy the application

How to contribute to the WeathGet project ?

To contribute, there is lot of ways, you can :

  • Report bugs or suggest improvements on the issue page.
  • React with the already existing issues.
  • Share the project to your friends or people which could be interessed.
  • Come in the discussions to talk about problems, features or others.
  • Write articles in the open Wiki
  • **Subm
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