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This repository contains examples and tutorials on how to use data from the Danish Roaddirectorate in your web application or on your website.

Available data

The following datatypes are available at the moment:

Datatype Key Description
Trafficevents traffic Map and lists
Roadworks roadworks Map and lists
Winter Deicing winterdeicing Map
Winter Condition wintercondition Map

How to get started

In order to get started an API key is needed, the API key can be obtained here:

Using the SDK

This section contains a list of examples and use cases

Make a list on your own website with roadworks in your area

(see also the included example-list.html)

const baseUrl = '';
// Add your NAP API key below.
const apiKey = '[YOUR-API-KEY]';
// And populate the array below with the datatypes you wish to load.
// Supported types for the Traffic SDK: traffic, roadworks, wintercondition, winterdeicing
const types = ['traffic'];
const client = new marco.Client(new marco.EventSourceBackend());

// The query parameters for our endpoints
const search = 'api_key=' + apiKey + '&types=' + types.join(',')

const snapshotPromise = fetch(baseUrl + '/api/v2/list/snapshot?' + search).then((response) => response.json())
const session = client.listen(baseUrl + '/api/v2/list/updates?' + search, {initialValueSupplier: rxjs.from(snapshotPromise)});
session.subscribe((data) => {
    const list = document.querySelector('#list');
    for (var element of data) {
        list.appendChild(buildListItem(element.heading, element.description));

// Just a simple function to build our list items.
function buildListItem(headerContent, bodyContent) {
    var item = document.createElement('li');
    var header = document.createElement('h5');
    header.innerHTML = headerContent; = '0';
    var body = document.createElement('p');
    body.innerHTML = bodyContent; = '0';
    return item;

Make a map with different types of traffic data

(see also the included example-map.html)

  var baseUrl = '';
// Insert your NAP API key in this field
const apiKey = '[YOUR-API-KEY]';
// And populate the array below with the datatypes you wish to load.
// Supported types for the Traffic SDK: traffic, roadworks, wintercondition, winterdeicing
var types = ['traffic'];

// The query parameters for our endpoints
const search = 'api_key=' + apiKey + '&types=' + types.join(',')

// Google Maps Callback
function initMap() {
    var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
        center: {lat: 55.906320, lng: 10.994602},
        zoom: 7
    // We'll use an event-source backend here to use SSE based retrieval.
    const client = new marco.Client(new marco.EventSourceBackend());

    // Make sure to use the Google Maps snapshot manager. This greatly improves performance on the map loading.
    const manager = new GMapsDataLayerSnapshotManager(map, {
        keySelector: (val) =>,
        dataSelector: (it) => it['entity']

    fetch(baseUrl + '/api/v2/map/snapshot?renderer=geojson&api_key=' + search)
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((data) => {
            const session = client.listen(baseUrl + '/api/v2/map/updates?renderer=geojson&' + search, {manager: manager});

// This is a custom snapshot manager for RTClient. It stores the current state directly in a Google Maps layer.
class GMapsDataLayerSnapshotManager extends marco.SnapshotManager {
    constructor(map, options) {
        super(options); = map;
        this.layer = new google.maps.Data({map: map});

    setInitialValue(value) {

    onConnect(observer) {
        return new rxjs.Observable(() => {
            // Intentionally empty

    clear() {
        this.layer = new google.maps.Data({map:});

    addValues(values) {
        const collection = {type: 'FeatureCollection', features: values};
        this.layer.addGeoJson(collection, {});

    removeKeys(keys) {
        this.layer.forEach((it) => {
            if (keys.some((k) => k === it.getProperty('tag'))) {

Use traffic data in your own server

This section is under development.

How to make your own traffic information map

This section is under development.

Detailed description of the datamodel and api's

Data Model

The structure of objects from the different APIs are presented below. We assume the basic types of String, Float, Int - wheres a question-mark suffix is used to denote a union of the type and null value (Int? = Int | null). A literal value can be used for a type that always has a known value (for tagged unions), e.g. foo: “Bar” denotes a field foo that always has the string literal value of Bar.

Mapped key-value pair data is denoted with a Map<Key,Value> type, and array types are denoted with a [] suffix (e.g. Int[]). Arrays of known length or content are defined as array literals, e.g. [Int, Int] denotes an array with two elements of types Int.

Union types or values are denoted with |, and will for the most part refer to tagged unions or string enumerations. A wildcard type * is used to denote the union of all types (i.e. any type).

Derived types are denoted as by either a series of fields or a union of other types/values.

EBNF grammar for the type definitions

<identifier> ::= [A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*
<types> ::= <type> '|' <types> | <type>
<type> ::= ('String' | 'Int' | 'Float' | 'Map' <identifier> | <array_literal>) ['?'|<array_modifier>] [<type_param>)
<type_param> ::= '<' (<types> | <type_list>) '>'
<array_literal> ::= '[' <type_list> ']'
<type_list> ::= <type> ',' <type_list> | <type>
<array_modifier> ::= '[]' | '[]' <array_modifier>
<array_modifier> ::= 
<type_definition> ::= 'type' <identifier> (<type_literal>|<type_body>)
<type_literal> ::= '=' <types>
<type_body> ::= '{' <field_set> '}'
<field_set> ::= <field> <field_set> | <field>
<field> ::= <identifier> ':' <type>

Lastly, we’ll define a few aliases for known format strings for colors:

type Color = RGBAHex|ARGBHex|RGBHex
type RGBAHex = Regex: #([0-9A-F]{8})
type ARGBHex = Regex: #([0-9A-F]{8})
type RGBHex = Regex: #([0-9A-F]{6})

The values are hex strings where the ARGB format will include the alpha value in the first byte, and the RGBA will include the alpha value in the last byte. The color format used is largely dependent on what style format is used on the API (configurable via the style_format request parameter where applicable).


type LatLng {
  lat: Float
  lng: Float


type LatLngBounds {
  northEast: LatLng
  southWest: LatLng


type Style {
  id: String
  strokeColor: Color
  strokeWidth: Float
  fillColor: Color
  dashed: Boolean
  dashColor: Color
  zIndex: Int

Inline Styled Elements

InlineStyledElement is a tagged union type where the value of the type field is used to denote what concrete type is to be used:

type InlineStyledElement = InlineStyledMarker | InlineStyledPolygon | InlineStyledPolyline

type InlineStyledMarker {
  type: "MARKER"
  center: LatLng
  entityType: String
  tag: String
  style: Style
  extras: Map<String, *>

type InlineStyledPolygon {
  type: "POLYGON"
  points: LatLng[]
  entityType: String
  tag: String
  style: Style
  extras: Map<String, *>

type InlineStyledPolyline {
  type: "POLYLINE"
  points: LatLng[]
  entityType: String
  tag: String
  style: Style
  extras: Map<String, *>

External Styled Element

ExternallyStyledElement is a tagged union type where the value of the type field is used to denote what concrete type is to be used. It differs from the InlineStyledElement type in that the style field refers to the id of the style to use from an external stylesheet.

type ExternallyStyledElement = ExternallyStyledMarker | ExternallyStyledPolygon | ExternallyStyledPolyline

type InlineStyledMarker {
  type: "MARKER"
  center: LatLng
  entityType: String
  tag: String
  style: String
  extras: Map<String, *>

type InlineStyledPolygon {
  type: "POLYGON"
  points: LatLng[]
  entityType: String
  tag: String
  style: String
  extras: Map<String, *>

type InlineStyledPolyline {
  type: "POLYLINE"
  points: LatLng[]
  entityType: String
  tag: String
  style: String
  extras: Map<String, *>


The GeoJSON renderer produces GeoJSON Features with some of the information added in the properties field of the standard GeoJSON feature type. For full details of how the different Geometry types work, see the GeoJSON specification. The fields used from GeoJSON are described below:

type Feature {
  type: "Feature"
  properties: Map<String, *> | FeatureProperties 
  geometry: Geometry

type FeatureProperties {
  tag: String
  entityType: String
  style: String

type Geometry = LineString | Polygon | Point

type Point {
  type: "Point"
  coordinates: [Float, Float]

type LineString {
  type: "LineString"
  coordinates: [Float, Float][]

type Polygon {
  type: "Polygon"
  coordinates: [Float, Float][][]


type ListItem {
   timestamp: String
   heading: String
   description: String
   tag: String
   entityType: String
   bounds: LatLngBounds?


type Notification {
   timestamp: String
   heading: String
   description: String
   tag: String
   entityType: String


The RTEvent delta protocol is used on SSE update endpoints. RTEvents are used to synchronise data collections by notifying delta changes to the client. There are four main RTEvent types: Change, Addition (New), Deletion, and Clear. RTEvent updates use the synchronisation identifier (syncId) to signal what entities are changed in a collection - i.e. a change event for an entity with ID x should be treated such that all local copies with ID x are replaced with the new entity.

RTEvent Data Model

RTEvents are a tagged unions type with at type field. The New and Change events include the entities to update, whereas the Deleted event only contains the IDs to delete from the collection.

The model below only considers the fields useful to interpret incoming events. Other fields may be present but are mostly reserved for diagnostics.

type RTEvent<T> = RTNewEvent<T> | RTChangeEvent<T> | RTDeletedEvent | RTClearEvent

type RTNewEvent<T> {
  type: "NEW"
  new: T[]

type RTChangeEvent<T> {
  type: "CHANGED"
  changed: T[]

type RTDeletedEvent {
  type: "DELETED"
  deleted: String[]

type RTClearEvent {
  type: "CLEAR"

RTEvent Semantics

Upon receiving a RTNewEvent, the contents of the new field should be concatenated to the local collection. When receiving an RTDeletedEvent ALL local entities with an identifier in the deleted array should be removed from the local collection. A RTChangeEvent signals that the local copies of entities with an ID should be replaced with the incoming entities with that ID (see warning below). A RTChangeEvent can, in other words, be treated as an RTDeleted event followed by an RTNewEvent. An RTClear event should clear the local collection in its entirety.

The mapping from synchronisation identifiers (SyncIDs) to Entities is not guaranteed to be one-to-one. Make sure to always delete ALL entities with an ID when receiving a DELETED event, and always make sure to replace ALL local copies with ALL the incoming entities on CHANGED events - 2 incoming events can replace 3 local ones.

Map Drawing Endpoints

The map drawing APIs expose functionality to retrieve entities in a geo-representable form.

Retrieve a Snapshot for Map Drawing

HTTP GET api/v2/map/snapshot

Response Type: (InlineStyledElement|ExternallyStyledElement|Feature)[] (depending on the value of the renderer parameter

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
types A list of types to include in the result. See the Supported Types section. comma separated strings yes
zoom A Google-maps style zoom level used on the map view. This controls the resolution of polygonal and polylineal type data. integer no
sw The south-western boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
ne The north-eastern boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
style_format The style format to use. See the Style Format section. Only applicable when using 'inline' renderer. 'rgb', 'rgba', 'argb', 'android', 'ios' No
renderer The renderer for the server to use. See the Renderers section. 'geojson', 'external' or 'inline' No
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Get Map Drawing Updates

SSE api/v2/map/updates

SSE Body Type:RTEvent<InlineStyledElement|ExternallyStyledElement|Feature> (depending on the value of the renderer parameter

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
types A list of types to include in the result. See the Supported Types section. comma separated strings yes
zoom A Google-maps style zoom level used on the map view. This controls the resolution of polygonal and polylineal type data. integer no
sw The south-western boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
ne The north-eastern boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
style_format The style format to use. See the Style Format section. Only applicable when using 'inline' renderer. 'rgb', 'rgba', 'argb', 'android', 'ios' No
renderer The renderer for the server to use. See the Renderers section. 'geojson', 'external' or 'inline' No
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Get a Single Entity

The single entity lookup API's return the details for one entity with the tag specified in the request parameters. If the search returns multiple entities, the first entity is returned (the order of the types argument specifies the priority). 
If the search returns zero results, the server responds with an HTTP-404 response.

HTTP GET api/v2/map/entity

Response Type: (InlineStyledElement|ExternallyStyledElement|Feature)[] (depending on the value of the renderer parameter

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
types A list of types to include in the result. See the Supported Types section. comma separated strings yes
tag The tag of the entity to retrieve string yes
style_format The style format to use. See the Style Format section. Only applicable when using 'inline' renderer. 'rgb', 'rgba', 'argb', 'android', 'ios' No
renderer The renderer for the server to use. See the Renderers section. 'geojson', 'external' or 'inline' No
api_key The request API key received string Yes
zoom A Google-maps style zoom level used on the map view. This controls the resolution of polygonal and polylineal type data. integer no

Styling Endpoints

Get a Stylesheet

HTTP GET api/v2/map/stylesheet

Response Type:Style[]

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
types A list of types to include in the result. See the Supported Types section. comma separated strings yes
style_format The style format to use. See the Style Format section. Only applicable when using 'inline' renderer. 'rgb', 'rgba', 'argb', 'android', 'ios' No
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Style Formats

Since different applications handle colors and files in different ways, the 'format' parameter may be used to dictate how styles are resolved in the response. The currently supported modes are:

Format Description Remarks
rgb Resolves colors to an hex RGB string of the form #RRGGBB This mode is reserved for applications unable to handle alpha values only. Use with caution as some elements may be transparent, and will be drawn as being opaque with this mode!
rgba Resolves colors to an hex RGBA string of the form #RRGGBBAA
argb Resolves colors to an hex ARGB string of the form #AARRGGBB
android Resolves colors in the same manner as the argb mode, and transforms icon paths to the file base name only. This is useful to e.g. resolve them to Android drawable resource identifiers (i.e. /assets/some_icon.png → some_icon) Should only be used on Android clients. Make sure that you have all the icons locally if using this mode.
ios Resolves colors in the same manner as the argb mode, and transforms icon paths to the file base name only. Should only be used on iOS clients. Make sure that you have all the icons locally if using this mode.

List APIs

Get a List View Snapshot

HTTP GET api/v2/list/snapshot

Response Type:ListItem[]

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
types A list of types to include in the result. See the Supported Types section. comma separated strings yes
sw The south-western boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
ne The north-eastern boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Get List View Updates

SSE api/v2/list/updates

SSE Body Type:RTEvent<ListItem>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
types A list of types to include in the result. See the Supported Types section. comma separated strings yes
sw The south-western boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
ne The north-eastern boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Get a Single List-Item

The single entity lookup API's return the details for one entity with the tag specified in the request parameters. If the search returns multiple entities, the first entity is returned (the order of the types argument specifies the priority). 
If the search returns zero results, the server responds with an HTTP-404 response.

HTTP GETapi/v2/list/entity

Response Type: ListItem

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
types A list of types to include in the result. See the Supported Types section. comma separated strings yes
tag The tag of the entity to retrieve string yes
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Notification Endpoints

Get Incoming Notifications

SSE api/v2/map/notifications

SSE Body Type:RTEvent<Notification>

Request Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
types A list of types to include in the result. See the Supported Types section. comma separated strings yes
sw The south-western boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
ne The north-eastern boundary for the zone to retrieve data for \[latitude],\[longitude], e.g. '57.3846,12.8630' No
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Entity APIs

The Entity APIs return a object of a Entity type

Entity Models

type Entity {
   syncId: String;

Get entities

HTTP GET api/v2/entities

**Response Type:**dynamic

Path Variables

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
type See the Supported Types section. strings yes
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Get entity

HTTP GET api/realtime/snapshot/{type}/entity/{id}

**Response Type:**dynamic

Path Variables

Parameter Description Type/Format Required?
type See the Supported Types section. strings yes
id The entity id (tag from listview and map api's) string yes
api_key The request API key received string Yes

Entity Model - Traffic event and Roadworks

Field Description Type
syncId Unique ID for this event string
mcid TrafikMan ID for this event string
created Timestamp for the creation of this event date
updated Timestamp for the last update on this event. date
dominantCategory Type of event DominantCategory
durationTimeFrom Timestamp indicating when this event starts. Relevant for future events, such as scheduled roadworks, demonstrations or sport events. date
durationTimeTo Timestamp indicating when this event ends. Relevant for future events, such as scheduled roadworks, demonstrations or sport events. Not necessarily equal to the expiration time. date
location The name of the location of this event string
descriptions Descriptions associated with the event Description
preferredMarkerLocation Center coordinate Location
geometries Geometry that describes the event Array of Geometry
timeString A time string describing when this event is relevant, e.g. during what hours in recurring periods. string

DominantCategory (String Enum)



Field Description Type
heading heading text for this event string
lead lead text for this event string
body body text for this event string


Field Description Type
lat latitude double
lng longitude double


Field Description Type
type Type of geometry POINT,POLYGON or POLYLINE
coordinates Coordinates for this geometry Array of Location


Get official and up to date traffic information for the geographical region of Denmark.






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