Final project for Introduction to C++ and Numerical Methods. GitHub repository:
Simulate a rope under the effect of gravity and the inner interactions between the segments.
- Install and get familiarize with the necessary libraries for rendering the rope with OpenGL
- Visualize the system of particles as an static rope
- Implement the Verlet integration method for updating the positions of the points that make up the rope
- Implement the constraint between segments using the Jakobsen method
- Visualize the movement of the rope using OpenGL and allowing the interaction with the user
All relevant libraries are found in /dependencies. It is necessary to download and configure CMake ( Run CMake script and generate project of choice.
It is necessary to have CMake, Git and the required packages: Using root (sudo) and type apt-get install libsoil-dev libglm-dev libglew-dev libglfw3-dev
cd /path/to/Rope_simulation
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..