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Prometheus exporter for OpenTTD. Exposes metrics on hostname:3990/metrics.

Exported metrics:

  • ottd_game_days Current date in days since 0 AD.
  • ottd_company_name{company_id, name} Name of the company by company ID
  • ottd_company_total_money{company_id} Amount of money a company currently has.
  • ottd_company_loan_money{company_id} Amount of money a company is in debt.
  • ottd_company_income_money{company_id} Income of a company, value currently unknown.
  • ottd_company_quarter_cargo{company_id} Amount of cargo a company has delivered since beginning of the quarter.
  • ottd_company_total_vehicles{company_id, type} Number of vehicles by type a company currently owns.
  • ottd_company_total_stations{company_id, type} Number of stations by type a company currently owns.
  • ottd_user_name{user_id, name} The name of the user by id.
  • ottd_user_company_id{user_id} The id of the company where the user is currently apart of.

All currency metrics are exported as British Pound. For the conversion rates to other currencies please refer to the OpenTTD Docs


OpenTTD-Exporter requires an connection to the OpenTTD admin port. To be able to connect there are a couple of things you need to have done.

  1. Set the server_admin_port in Openttd.cfg. This can be any number between 0 and 65535 but must be NOT in use by any other programs.
  2. Make sure an admin password has been set. The admin_password can be found in secrets.cfg.
  3. Rename or copy the file .env.example to .env and change the variables to your desired values.
  4. Install the required dependencies with npm install and run the project with node ..


The program polls information about the state of the game at the start of each in-game week. An in-game week is about 14 seconds. To avoid saving duplicate data it is recommended to keep the default prometheus settings and thereby query the metrics at most every 15 seconds.


To contribute, please create a pull request. Pull requests should adhere to the formatting standard set in prettierrc.json. This is easiest done using the Prettier extension in an code editor of your choice.

For feature requests and bug reports, please create an issue using the appropriate tag.

Feature Roadmap
[ ] Automatic reconnect
[ ] Docker container

Copyright © 2024 Vincent-Br
OpenTTD-exporter is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.