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This is a project to crawl the mafengwo website ( In the project, I got all the locations' information in Beijing, including latitude and longitude, and their comments. No framework was used.


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  • This is a project to crawl the mafengwo website(
  • In the project, I got all the locations' imformations in Beijing, including latitude and longitude, and their comments.
  • No framework was used.


import os
import json
import urllib
import random
import requests
import telnetlib
from random import choice
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from proxy import prepare_proxy
from fake_useragent import UserAgent


  • run to get all locations' basic information, and fill up the list_all.txt.

The proxy IP with is obtained, and fakeUA is generated to test. After passing the test, use proxy IP and self-built UA list to access web of mafengwo After being blocked, the proxy IP is automatically retrieved to continue.

Please attention that tnere are nearly 10 thousands locations in Beijing and a large mount of locations have no comment or few comments, so I abandon the locations which have less than 5 comments.

  • run to get all locations' basic information including the sub-locations("角楼" is a sub location of "故宫"), and fill up the list_all_sub.txt.

The proxy IP with is obtained, and fakeUA is generated to test. After passing the test, use proxy IP and self-built UA list to access web of mafengwo After being blocked, the proxy IP is automatically retrieved to continue.

Please attention that tnere are lots of sub locations are seldom marked as visited, so I save the sublocations' informations only if it is marked by more than five visitors.

  • run to get all locations' comments, and fill up the comment_all.txt.

Obtain the commentary data for each location (because of the restrictions of API, with the effort, you can climb up to 600 comments per site)

Output Format

  • list_all.txt
name	type_id	id	lat	lng	page
故宫	3	3474	39.91804	116.397015	1
颐和园	3	3557	39.99243	116.272876	1
八达岭长城	3	3519	40.356183	116.016838	1
天安门广场	3	3498	39.903756	116.397693	1
天坛	3	3503	39.883675	116.412784	1
圆明园	3	6427	40.007905	116.303579	1
南锣鼓巷	3	3511	39.93744	116.403138	1
798艺术区	3	21100	39.985041	116.494624	1
  • list_all_subpoi.txt
name	type_id	id	lat	lng	page	father_name	father_id	sub_page
故宫	3	3474	39.916698	116.397185	1	0	0	0
角楼	3	6627770	39.916698	116.397185	1	故宫	3474	1
午门	3	21463	39.916698	116.397185	1	故宫	3474	1
故宫博物院-珍宝馆	3	6627769	39.916698	116.397185	1	故宫	3474	1
故宫九龙壁	3	6627771	39.916698	116.397185	1	故宫	3474	1
故宫博物院-御花园	3	6627768	39.916698	116.397185	1	故宫	3474	1
太和殿	3	834363	39.916698	116.397185	1	故宫	3474	1
太和门	3	6627806	39.916698	116.397185	1	故宫	3474	1
乾清宫	3	849540	39.916698	116.397185	1	故宫	3474	1
  • comment_all.txt
3474	1	进入故宫的那一刻心情还是很激动的,......
3474	1	去之前很兴奋,故宫真的超多人。......
3474	1	这次来北京,最期待的,除了香山就是故宫了。......
3474	1	记住一个原则,从南到北走,才能不走冤枉路!
3474	1	从天安门城楼下来往北走就是故宫博物院了。故宫的门票应该是60元,里面有一个钟表馆和珍宝馆是单独收费的,......
3474	1	听了现场工作人员的引导,我们从东华门外沿着筒子河经午门再进宫,之前看到有攻略说这条路线少一道安检,而且排队人少比较快。也许是因为周末,人真的好多呀,尤其是旅游团特别多。


This is a project to crawl the mafengwo website ( In the project, I got all the locations' information in Beijing, including latitude and longitude, and their comments. No framework was used.








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