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How to Get Usable Power from an Induction Motor undergoing Negative Power Factor

Vinyasi edited this page Jul 9, 2019 · 10 revisions

Is it correct to say that you are presenting theoretical material and have not yet built a physical "proof of concept" device which provides electrical power without any major input power provided by the user?

No build; no money; and no technical building expertise; just a simulation. But I'll qualify that.

Simply answered would be Yes: "without any major input power provided by the user". But that would be catering to our collective ignorance.

Remember the Vedic expression of "Sat-Chit-Ananda"? It's a three in one expression in which none of the three elements may be taken out of context from its entirety. This means that Chit (Intelligence) is just as significant as is Energy (Sat). The consequence is that we harp too much upon the need for more energy when we could do just as well (or even better) if we had more intelligence.

As I've stated before (somewhere in the text), there's no difference between free energy and energy. If you're the Almighty and need to make use of more energy in Your Creation by comparison to what is already there, then wouldn't it be effortless to access that? And are we not co-creators in our own right capable of becoming Almighty beings once we drop this mortal shell upon full enlightenment of our consciousness?

So, it is the eternal now, this present moment of nil duration, which is the source for energy.

We harp too much upon spatial locations, such as: batteries, hydroelectric dams, etc. Yet, time is a source for energy since time supersedes space.

The study of physics loves to turn spirituality around on its head by misrepresenting the dependency by which space depends upon time by making time subservient to space as an added "fourth" dimension to space. Oy, gevalt!

Put into more technical terms... A zero bandwidth allows for an infinite Q (more energy IN than OUT). This becomes the case whenever two actual parent waves of opposing orientation of zero power factor cross-interfere. One parent has her current ahead of voltage by 90 degrees while the other parent wave has his current behind his voltage by the same duration. This creates a standing wave of no duration bypassing the limitations of finite Quality factor.

All that is needed is for a single phase, induction motor's creative winding of current dominated coils (formerly its starter coils and in one direction, ie. CW, for instance) versus voltage dominated coils (its main motor coils and in the opposite direction, ie. CCW, for instance) to fail to cancel their standing wave of negative power factor and -instead- rectify it, plus an electrically rectified set of starter coils mounted upon the customized squirrel cage rotor (wound in the same direction as the current coils, ie. CW, for instance) to tip the rotor forward in one direction of spin.

And if this negative power factor can be produced more efficiently than do opamps, than -yes- there is no significant power source. In fact, someone (a critique) helped me to become aware of the fact that my low voltage sine wave generator (of a mere 3V) was inputting a current wave form indicating it was noise and not a sine wave (except within its voltage context). So, I'm powering this simulation on almost a nano watt of a blended wave incorporating both noise and sine waves!

video and audio files...


alternate URL... [url=]Downsizing Renewables -- Pitch Deck on Vimeo[/url]


from... [url=]Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator by Jim Murray[/url]

cancellation of magnetic fields is corrected by rewiring the coils... [url][/url]





Beat Frequency to Solve Rotation Challenges of a Motor Operating at a Negative Power Factor... [url][/url]

Solving Drive-Shaft Rotation Challenges... [url][/url]

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I simplified my presentation on stack-exchange (by comparison to the eBook), plus I updated that question to become a rhetorical question in which I answer myself using knowledge gained from other questions on that site plus Quora.

In that question is the shortened version of my device in that I give everything about it without talking too much.


shortened URL... [url][/url]

I saved that question onto my website in case it gets deleted (again)...


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And archived an earlier version of this new rewrite (the saved version on my website is more up to date)...


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Well, someone at AllAboutCircuits helped me to better appreciate a more likely answer... [url][/url]

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