Start Android Studio and choose File -> New -> Project from Version Control -> Git and fill in the Git repository URL with:
Press Done - you're good to go!
Follow instructions here for setting up your own backend.
At this point you are ready to build and run the application on Android Emulator. To test the application on real device you have to provide your device with access to the local server you've recently setted up.
To build this sample were used next third-party frameworks
- Twilio Programmable Chat - transmitting messages and handling channel events.
- Virgil SDK - encrypting, decrypting messages and passwordless authentication.
- And some popular libraries: Fuel, RxKotlin/RxAndroid, Koin, Gson.
Virgil Security has a powerful set of APIs, and the documentation is there to get you started today.
- Configure the SDK documentation
- Usage examples
- Reference API
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