- Setup Android Studios.
- Locating the SDK and JDK.
- Installing the Android SDK.
- Enabling your phones developer mode.
- Connecting the SDK to Unity.
- Installing Unity modules individually.
- Build the Google Cardboard Demo.
- Deploy to your Android phone.
- Setup XCode.
- Configuring an iOS app to deploy.
- Signing Identities and Provisioning Profiles
- Deploying your first app.
- Setup your environment.
- Build an empty project.
- Setting your bundle identifier in Unity.
- Deploy to your iOS phone.
- Create a virtual environment.
- Overview of the Google VR stack.
- Add stereoscopic cameras to games.
- Push to your device.
- How to upgrade you GVR plugin.
- Enabling built in Google VR in Unity 5.6.
- Changes to the event system.
- How to detect trigger down.
- Issues with sound scaling.
- Setting font size and DPI.
- Where to scale a Rect Transform.
- Create UI in VR environments.
- Position and scale for comfort.
- Activating UI with Gaze.
- Revising event based UI.
- Revising the scene management.
- What is spatial audio?
- How can we use it in a menu scene.
- The GVR audio listener and source.
- Enabling the spatializer plugin.
- Use physics simulation to hop.
- Editing terrain in the Unity Editor.
- Adjust rigidbody mechanics for sickness.
- Tweak materials for frog behaviour.
- Introducing physics materials.
- Projecting vectors onto planes.
- Rotating and normalizing vectors.
- Drawing debug lines in Unity.
- Getting the look vector of the camera.
- Sequencing vector operations.
- Presenting an easy interface to the designer.
- Getting trigger input from GVR.
- Using Physics.Raycast().
- Preventing jumping unless grounded.
- Creating a tile-based level.
- Importing our assets.
- Adding materials and textures.
- Creating lanes of traffic.
- Generating random numbers.
- Randomly selecting terrain.
- Exposing terrain to the designer.
- Spawning a random number of trees.
- Removing code repetition.
- for and while loops.
- How to scale Unity units.
- Altering gravity acceleration.
- Copying component values.
- The problem with nested prefabs.
- How to work around the problem.
- Adding a collider to our tree.
- Adding car prefabs to the road.
- Giving them non-physical velocity.
- Ensuring they can impact the toad.
- Understanding Kinematic Colliders.
- Creating a log prefab.
- Spawning cars with a time interval.
- Spawning at a given location.
- Randomizing the time interval.
- Probability Density Functions
- Cumulative Distributions Functions
- How to make any distribution in Unity
- What is a Poisson process.
- Looking at the Exponential distribution.
- Implementing the Exponential in Unity.
- Overview of FixedUpdate().
- Understanding the physics engine cycle.
- Making the logs carry the frog.
- The issue with trigger-based grounding.
- Why boolean grounding won’t work.
- An explanation of count-based grounding.
- Using this to fix jumping on moving platforms.
- Recap for using arrays.
- Array constant syntax.
- Understanding array indexing and length.
- Implementing multi-hop jumping.
- Rotations in Unity.
- Euler angle definition of rotation.
- Angle axis rotations.
- The importance of rotation order.
- An overview of the Quaternion class.
- Creating rotations between 2 vectors.
- Keeping the horizon level with LookRotation.
- Rotating a cube to hover in-front of us.
- How to reload the current level.
- Setting up the HUD UI.
- Revising UI button binding.
- Finding objects from anywhere in the scene.
- How to notify death.
- Fixing out multi-hop bug.
- Disabling movement on death.
- Adding a safe starting point.
- Enabling/disabling the reticule.
- Debugging performance slow downs.
- Destroying old vehicles.
- Triggers vs Colliders.
- How to label “magic” numbers.
- Preventing runs of dangerous lanes.
- Enum types and when to use them.
- Using our Enum knowledge.
- The Cursor API in Unity.
- Locking the cursor to the screen.
- Introduction to the performance cycle.
- How to display FPS in our game.
- Getting a benchmark for performance.
- Cutting down our game.
- Disabling VSync.
- Common optimisations to try.
- Using the iterative process.
- Unity quality settings.
- Using the Unity Profiler.
- Profiler hierarchies.
- Profiler timeline.
- Diagnosing script issues.
- Revising spatial audio.
- Creating immersive sound.
- Adding audio to our level.
- Using a foreach loop.
- How to get child transforms.
- Spawning new lanes with a buffer.
- Destroying lanes with a buffer.
- Ideas for continuing the game.
- Spawning lanes up to a horizon.
- Generating new lanes after movement.
- Randomly selecting terrain.
- Learn to make fire! [Read with caveman voice]
- Create infinitely wide particle systems.
- Mirror the players movements
- Make the fire creep forward naturally.
- Tweak the fire to be engrossing.
- Create an all encompassing splash screen.
- Use your gaze to control the UI.
- Set up an in-game menu.
- Include buttons to reset and go back.
- Recap EventSystem setup in VR.
- Creating an object to manage game state.
- How to reset the game.
- Hook up the buttons to these actions.
- Create a head-up display.
- Follow the player’s rotation and translation.
- Prevent clipping with the floor.
- How to detect that the game is over.
- Accessing that state from other objects.
- Displaying the game over message.
- Creating van and car prefabs.
- Instantiating at run-time.
- Positioning them relative to a parent.
- Configuring their offsets.
- Holding the state where the player died.
- Pausing the fire’s progression.
- Preventing the player jumping.
- Adding speed to the vehicles.
- Making the speed a property of lanes.
- Exposing lane speed to the designer.
- Destroying the vehicles at the end of lanes.
- Allowing the designer to configure length.
- We investigate a glitch.
- How cusps cause collision issues.
- Solve the glitch.
- How to squash a toad.
- A revision of dynamic vs static colliders.
- Excluding certain collisions programmatically.
- Hypothesis generation and testing.
- Fixing hard to Google graphical bugs.
- Fixing a graphical bug on the Galaxy Note 4.