Rapid WhatsApp is a React-based project that simplifies the process of starting a conversation on WhatsApp without having to save a contact's number in your phone's contacts list. The project allows users to enter a phone number directly into the app, click on "chat," and then be taken directly to that person's WhatsApp chat window without the need to save their number in their phone's contacts list. Additionally, Rapid WhatsApp includes the ability to save contacts directly in your browser's local storage.
You can check out the live demo of Rapid WhatsApp here.
To get started with Rapid WhatsApp, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository using
git clone https://github.com/Vishesh-Pandey/rapid-whatsapp.git
- Install dependencies using
npm install
- Run the app using
npm start
If you would like to contribute to Rapid WhatsApp, please feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request. Contributions are always welcome and appreciated.