The online teaching app of 2020
- Clone/Download this repo
git clone
- Navigate to the project repo in the terminal
cd TeachEasy/
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start app
npm start
- Open in browser
- In the first tab, enter your name and create a room
- Once joined, click on "Info" and copy the meeting code
- In the second tab, click on "JOIN" and enter your name and the code copied
- Now this simulates an exact same environment as 2 persons in a call
- Add more participants if you wish to.
- Try muting and unmuting audio and videos
- Try using the chat
- Click on "Toggle whiteboard" on both the tabs. This will open a realtime whiteboard
- Write anything you want :) and see it magically appear on all participants' screens
- Once finished, click on "END" to end the call. Hope you had a great experience :)