QEOP IoT app helps the IoT sensor management team maintain hundreds of outdoor sensors by demonstrating the location of each sensor, connecting to the real-time MQTT data feed, and allowing users to record any changes made to the sensors all in one shared platform.
🎨 Find the original idea pitch on Idea Pitch page
🚀 Download the Flutter file of QEOP IoT on QEOP IoT page
🦆 Find the final presentation slides on Final Presentation_QEOP IoT
- Map page
- Find the location of each device
- Make sure the device ID they are working with
- Data page
- Check the real-time data feed connecting to the MQTT server without browsing several web pages for different projects or the MQTT server via computers
- Create page
- Add new logs to record the maintenance, changes, or testing users have made for the specific device
- Any detail regarding project ID, device ID, date, time, description, and attachment can be uploaded here
- Log page
- Display the created logs chronically
- Profile page
- Log in and out
- Manage the authentication of the app’s functions
- Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows)
- Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. Android Studio, VSCode, IntelliJ, etc)
- Setup Flutter
- Clone the repo
- Create an Google Maps API Key on Google's developer portal website.
- [ios app] Paste your API key into AppDelegate.swift in the following line: GMSServices.provideAPIKey("Your API")
- [android app] Paste our API key into android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml in the following line: meta-data android:name="com.google.android.geo.API_KEY" android:value="YOUR-KEY-HERE"