Group project for CASA0019 Sensor Data Visualisation
Group members: Sin Man Choi, Vivian Chin Ku, Yumeng Cheng, Ya Cui
With the increased importance people place on their health, real-time air quality reports have become even more important in the present day. The OpenWeatherMap API is used as the data source and the air quality data is visualised by using a 3D printed device and an AR app that shows the digital twin of that device. The air quality parameters are displayed by the dials on the device. The pointers of the dials on both digital and virtual devices can be changed in real-time depending on the API.
- Android: Download the APK file and run on your mobile phone or tablet computer
- ios:
- Download the ios file
- Download the libiPhone-lib.a
- Copy and paste the libiPhone-lib.a into Libraries folder in the previous downloaded ios folder
- Open Xcode and run it on your mobile phone or ipad
- PhysicalDevice_Code : Arduino IDE for physical device
- PhysicalDevice_3Dmodel : Download the Fusion360 file to see it or even adjust to your own version
- Printing the Physical Device: Export Fusion360 model as stl. format and import it into PrusaSlicer