Q4 2019 code release
- Indonesia - Mills logistics hubs download
- About page "Methods and data" page
- About page bullet point styles change
- Flows sorting issue
- New way to select map layers
- New way to select flow indicators
- New way to select years
- Search optimization (more responsive and more results)
- Improvements in maintainability to the way we share indicator colors between sankey and dashboard.
- [BONUS] Adds support to download dashboard widgets as CSV (from table view) 🔥
- Fix Safari sliders weird gradient
- Fix widget table columns mismatch
Backend - performance
- Sankey: application of partitioned tables and a faster implementation of “OTHER” node grouping
- Downloads: optimisation of helper queries, application of partitioned tables, removal of obsolete materialised views
- Dashboards filters: faster implementation of subquery that filters by co-occurring nodes (major source of slowness for the companies endpoints)
- Dashboards charts: application of partitioned tables
- Actor profiles: precomputing summaries
- Upgraded sidekiq to a new faster version
- Increased concurrency on background job processing, to take advantage of the bigger machine and the work that aimed to decouple background operations
Back end - other:
- Small fix to CMS forms (alphabetical ordering of context / context node type dropdowns)
- New automatically built ReDoc documentation pages for both internal and public APIs, taking advantage of existing swagger specifications (https://vizzuality.github.io/trase/api/trase_public_api.html)