yscalc helps resolve how much each person needs to pay in Yemeksepeti's Joker discounted prices. It rounds what each person needs to pay to 0.25 and divides the remainder fairly. Any remaining extra is left as tip.
Format for each entry is [ price, [List of Names]]
. Where names are the list
of people sharing the item. null
is interpreted as "shared amongst all".
In the example below, the 12.0 item is shared amongst everyone, the 22.0 item is shared by A and B.
Example JSON:
[ 12.0, null ],
[ 17.0, [ "Person A" ] ],
[ 22.0, [ "Person A", "Person B" ] ],
[ 10.0, [ "Person B"] ],
[ 9.0, [ "Person C"] ]
$ cargo run -- list.json
Total: 45.00
Ratio = 45.00 / 70.00 = 0.64
1 Person A: 32.00 (4.00, 17.00, 11.00)
20.50 (20.57)
2 Person B: 25.00 (4.00, 11.00, 10.00)
16.00 (16.07)
3 Person C: 13.00 (4.00, 9.00)
8.50 (8.36)
Sum: 45.00
Remainder: 0.00
For example, here Person C will be paying 8.50 which was rounded up from 8.36.