General Spectroscopic Data Spreadsheet Rearranger.
It converts a .csv from a VARIAN Cary 300 Bio UV-vis spectrophotometer
into a compatible format with ReactLab(TM) JPlus Consulting
Data Analyzer Software
- Download Python 2 installer from (choose Windows x86-64 MSI installer)
- Install it with default options
- Download this project zip and place it in a convenient folder for your use
- Put the desired input csv files into the input folder of this project
- Double-click on "click_me_to_execute" file on this project to execute the program. A terminal window will open inform you about the execution of the program, and after that asking you to press enter to close it. It everything goes alright, a file named "formated_.csv" will appear on the output folder for each of your input files, with the correct formatting to be used with Excel.
- Enjoy