This repository consists of two programs: rd.c and
These two programs control the mpg123 music player software and allow remote control via some switches attached to a raspberry pi zero.
this can work on any computer with simular hardware (3 momentary switches). is a python (version 2.7) program that starts rd and mpg123 running. It reads the status of 3 momentary switches and controls playback of mpg123 thru it's remote capability. can be started from /etc/rc.d at bootup. It will start rd and mpg123 running in a paused state. A short press of the S1 switch will start playback. A short press of S1 will toggle between play and pause.
A long press of S1 will stop playback and terminate all 3 programs (rd, mpg123 and
A short press on S2 will rewind the current song to the beginning. A short press on S3 will start playing the next song in the playlist.
When started, rd looks for a file called playlist.fav in the current directory. This is defined in the source (rd.c) and can be changed and recompiled if needed. More information on creating the playlist is in rd.c
rd.c is a simple program to remotely control the mpg123 mp3 player.
It will create 2 fifo's /tmp/mpgfifo and /tmp/mpgout rd now waits for input from mpg123. This is from the comments in rd.c:
Commands this program responds to are:
PREV Play the song before the current
REW Rewind the current song to the beginning
NEXT Play the next song
The above are sent here by:
echo NEXT|PREV|REW >> /tmp/mpgout
And from the mpg123 program:
@P 0 Plays the next song in the list
The above is generated when:
echo STOP >> /tmp/mpgfifo
is sent to the mpg123 program
When this program starts it reads a file called 'playlist.fav'
and creates a random sorted list of the songs. It then plays them
through until the end when it starts over at the beginnig.
the playlist is created from:
find /home/kurt/mp3 -name "*.mp3" > playlist.fav
The playlist file can be edited by hand to pull un-wanted songs
Also multiple playlists can be created (xmas, love songs, etc)
There should be enough comments in the source to make sense of how things should run.
- kurt