Welcome to the Library Management System, a feature-rich software solution designed to simplify and enhance library operations. This project employs the Blazor framework for the frontend and .NET 8 Web API for the backend, providing a modern and efficient platform for managing libraries.
The user interface is crafted using Blazor, a cutting-edge web framework that enables the development of interactive and dynamic web applications using C# and .NET. Experience a seamless and responsive interface for effortless navigation and interaction with the library management system.
The backend is powered by .NET 8 Web API, a high-performance framework for building scalable and secure web services. Leveraging the capabilities of .NET, the backend ensures smooth communication with the frontend, efficient data management, and seamless processing of library operations.
Security is a top priority in the Library Management System. The system includes robust user authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users have access to specific functionalities, protecting sensitive library data. Uses Auth0 as Authentication and Authorization provider.
To get started with the Library Management System, follow these steps:
- Clone Repository
git clone https://github.com/WSzoda/Biblioteka.git
- Open project in Visual Studio and download packages or use command
dotnet restore
- Run project inside Visual Studio or using command
dotnet run
Once the application is running, access it through your preferred web browser and start exploring the library management functionalities. App should be hosted on "https://localhost:7158/"