3D Modeling project using OpenGL to show a walk-in simulation through the Floriano Peixoto Palace Museum.
- w -Move forward
- s -Move Backward
- a -Move left
- d -Move right
- Back space -Move vertically up
- f -Move vertically down
- Mouse left click and drag right -Rotate view towards right
- Mouse left click and drag left -Rotate view towards left
- OpenGL 2.0
git clone https://github.com/WagnerFLL/Computer-Graphics.git
g++ mupa.cpp -o mupa -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lsfml-graphics
git clone https://github.com/WagnerFLL/Computer-Graphics.git
g++ mupa.cpp -o mupa -lOpenGL32 -lfreeGLUT -lglu32 -IC:/mingw64/include