This is a multi-layer neural network library created in pure JavaScript. (still in development)
const layer = NeuralNetwork.createLayer({
nodes: 2,
activation: 'sigmoid'
const brain = NeuralNetwork.createNeuralNetwork({
inputNodes: 2,
layers: [
nodes: 2,
activation: 'sigmoid'
NeuralNetwork.createLayer({ // output layer
nodes: 1,
activation: 'sigmoid'
learningRate: 0.1,
const dataset = [
inputs: [0, 1],
targets: [1]
inputs: [1, 0],
targets: [1]
inputs: [1, 1],
targets: [0]
inputs: [0, 0],
targets: [0]
for(let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // how many times we want it to be trained
for(let data of dataset) {
brain.train(data.inputs, data.targets);
const output = brain.predict([0, 1]);