Analysis and create subset dataset on CICDDoS2019 csv dataset.
- Python3
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
CSV-01-12 and CSV-03-11 is the folder that put the data. It is empty because I don't put the dataset. It is too big.
The dataset has two csv files on different dates. I use the code on the "count_num" folder to count all the types of packets. The result is in "Introduction of the dataset" chapter.
- count_num folder put the code to count packet numbers.
- create_subset folder put the code to generate subset csv files.
- CSV-01-12 folder: ...
- CSV-03-11 folder: ...
In csv folder, there are two dates in tow folders.
- CSV-01-12: 11 items, totaling 22.3 GB.
- CSV-03-11: 7 items, totaling 8.7 GB.
As the image shows each file includes only benign and DDoS (the type is what the file name show). The only special is the "DrDoS_UDP" file not only contains UDP-lag DDoS and benign packets, it has WebDDoS packets (few, only 439 packets).
If there is any code that can be accelerated, it is glad to get a PR about that.
- 03-11 data complete