© Webmaster Europe e.V. All rights reserved.
This material is provided exclusively for participants in courses offered by Webmaster Europe e.V. By accessing or using this code, you acknowledge that it is intended solely for educational use within the context of Webmaster Europe e.V. programs. Redistribution, sharing, or copying of this material outside of the enrolled course environment is strictly prohibited. The content is designed to support your learning objectives as a student of Webmaster Europe e.V. and is not authorized for use in any commercial projects, public repositories, or applications beyond course purposes.
As a participant, you agreed to these terms as part of the enrollment agreement with Webmaster Europe e.V., which includes additional information on acceptable use, restrictions, and guidelines. Please refer to that document for further details.
The author and Webmaster Europe e.V. retain all rights to this material, including the codebase and instructional content. Unauthorized commercial use or open-source distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and may result in removal from the program and potential legal action.
For questions regarding these terms, please contact Webmaster Europe e.V. for clarification.