Implementation of image morphing based on the paper: Feature-Based Image Metamorphosis
This work morphs the given two images and produce a short animation from src img to dst img.
- C++11
- OpenCV==4.3.0
This work is done using python 3.6.
- numpy==1.18.2
- opencv-python==
$ g++ parallel_morphing.cpp -std=c++11 -o parallel_morphing `pkg-config opencv4 --cflags` `pkg-config opencv4 --libs`
Several argument that can be adjusted:
[src path]
: path of source image[dst path]
: path of destination image-p=[int]
: The p value for calulating weight-a=[int]
: The a value for calulating weight-b=[int]
: The b value for calulating weight-f=[int]
: Number of frames to build an animation ex:
$ ./parallel_morphing women.jpg cheetah.jpg
$ ./parallel_morphing -f=51 women.jpg cheetah.jpg -p=1
Several argument that can be adjusted:
--src-path [path]
: path of source image--dst-path [path]
: path of destination image--p [int]
: The p value for calulating weight--a [int]
: The a value for calulating weight--b [int]
: The b value for calulating weight--frames [int]
: Number of frames to build an animation
Command example:
$ python --src-path ./img/women.jpg --dst-path ./img/cheetah.jpg --frames 11
First execute the python file.
If the images are successfully read, there will be two windows of images showing up.
Then Draw control lines on the 2 images, with the same directions and orders. Two points can make a control line.
Finished, press 'q' button and the program will start morphing.
Note that if the # of frames or pairs of control lines are too many, it will take a long time to compute.
from OpenCV to accelerate computing.