Phxbot is a Telegram bot created to automate the process of venue booking.
It provides users with the convenience of booking lounges for various events hassle-free.
Venue Booking: Users can easily book venues for events by selecting the "venue booking" option.
Cancel Booking: Users can cancel their existing bookings by choosing the "cancel booking" option.
Start the Bot: Type /start to begin the booking process.
Choose Option: Select either "venue booking" or "cancel booking."
Date Selection: Choose a date for your booking.
Venue Selection: Select the preferred venue for the event.
Time Slot: Pick the desired time slot for the booking.
PythonAnywhere: Hosted the bot on PythonAnywhere.
SQLAlchemy: Used for managing the SQLite database for secure data storage.
Telebot: Utilised the Telebot library to handle user interactions, commands, and responses effectively.