- 👋 I’m @WhatDamon, aka Damon Lu
- 🌱 I’m currently learning & &
(The essence of programming is copy and paste!) - 📫 How to reach me ??? (Well, my email: whatdamon@damon233.top or whatdamon233@gmail.com)
- 🌏 Actually I am not good at English! I'm Chinese.
- 🎬 And my Bilibili Here
- 🔧 I'm developing something full of bugs
- 🌐 And my website: https://damon233.top/ (zh-CN)
- 📐 Honestly, I am not good at developing. Only design and maintenance are good at it(?)
- 💻Laptop: Lenovo Legion Y9000P 2022 (Maybe the Chinese edition of Legion 7i Gen 7)
- 💡Raspberry Pi 4B
- 💡Lots of ESP microcontrollers (including ESP-WROOM-32, ESP32-WROOM-C6, ESP32S3, ESP32C3 and ESP8266)
...to power me up!
- 🦈 Afdian: https://ifdian.net/a/Damon233 (Do not consider using Paypal to support me) 🤦