With Visual Studio dropping support for macros way back in VS 2012, the only way to do simple customizations is to download the VS SDK, write a VSIX, and have VS debugging VS. Personally, I find it ridiculous that we can no longer do simple extensibility in our main tool.
Because I've written numerous small macros, and use them on a daily basis, I was not looking forward to the extra effort to turn them into a VSIX. Fortunately, Visual Studio has the wonderful NuGet package manager built in so I converted my macros into PowerShell. While not as convenient as macros, they do work. You can read more about converting macros into PowerShell on my blog .
These macros/cmdlets work for Visual Studio 2010 through Visual Studio 2015.Please fork and let me know if there's any bugs you find. I hope you find them useful.
Here's the about text showing all cmdlets. Of course, all cmdlets have detailed help for more information.
Provides missing functionality, especially around debugging, to Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2012.
This describes the basic commands included in the WintellectVSCmdlets module. With VS 2012 not offering
macros, simple extensions require installing an SDK and debugging the extensions with a second instance
of the IDE. In all, it makes for a very poor experience when you want to do simple customization of the
the development environment.
These macros, which are very useful for debugging, demostrate that the NuGet Package Console is
sufficient for many of your customization needs. Most of these cmdlets are ports of VB.NET macros that
John Robbins has shown on his blog and books.
All cmdlets work with Visual Studio 2010 through Visual Studio 2015.
Note that these cmdlets support C#, VB, and native C++. They probably support more but those were
all the languages tested.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or bug reports, please contact John at john@wintellect.com.
The following Wintellect VS cmdlets are included.
Cmdlet Description
------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Add-BreakpointsOnAllDocMethods Sets breakpoints on methods in the current code document. This
is very useful in .NET languages as the debugger expression
evaluator does not support that.
Remove-BreakpointsOnAllDocMethods Removes all the breakpoints set with Add-BreakpointsOnAllDocMethods.
This cmdlet will not remove any of your breakpoints.
Add-InterestingThreadFilterToBreakpoints Adds the filter "ThreadName==InterestingThread" to all breakpoints to
make it easier to debug through a single transaction.
Remove-InterestingThreadFilterFromBreakpoints Removes the "ThreadName==InterestingThread" filter applied with
Disable-NonActiveThreads Freezes all but the active thread so you can single step to the end
of a method without dramatically bouncing to another thread when you
least expect it.
Resume-NonActiveThreads Thaws all threads previously frozen with Disable-NonActiveThreads.
Get-Breakpoints Returns the latest version of the IBreakpoints derived list.
Get-Threads Returns all the threads.
Invoke-NamedParameter A wonderful cmdlet that lets you easily call methods with many
optional parameters. Full credit to Jason Archer for this cmdlet.
Invoke-WinDBG Visual Studio has ease of use, where WinDBG (with SOS + SOSEX) have
tons of power to tell you what's going on in your application. This
cmdlet starts WinDBG on the process you're currently debugging in the
IDE so you can have the best of both worlds.
Open-LastIntelliTraceRecording When you stop debugging, your current IntelliTrace log disappears. This
cmdlet fixes that by opening the last log you produced so you can post-mortem
look at your debugging session.
Debug-IISProcess Attaches Visual Studio to the w3wp.exe process associated with a given application pool name.
Online help and updates: http://www.wintellect.com/devcenter/author/jrobbins