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The Ascent AI code repo. AI-ROCKS is the AI portion of the ROCKS software stack for Ascent.

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This README has various sections:

  • Overview
  • Building (and dependencies)
  • Running
  • Necessary installations
  • References


AI-ROCKS contains the autonomous navigation software designed for usage with ROCKS, Wisconsin Robotics' control software for Ascent. This code is intended for the Autonomous Traversal Task of the 2017 University Rover Challenge.

AI-ROCKS is structured using a state pattern design to model a state machine based on drive states. The two drive states of AI-ROCKS are GPS and Vision, with obstacle avoidance running underneath both of these drive states. Specifically:

  • GPS: GPS handles long-range, broad navigation to get us "close" to the tennis ball, using GPS and IMU sensors.
  • Vision: Vision handles short-range, precise movements to detect the tennis ball and navigate to within 3 meters of it. Vision uses a camera (USB or IP) for vision and also uses the GPS and IMU sensors.
  • Obstacle Avoidance: Obstacle avoidance runs in its own thread and notifies the current drive state if any obstacles are detected. The LRF data is received from ROCKS-LRF, which is the small separate solution for reading and sending LRF data.


To build AI-ROCKS, all dependencies must have their .dlls in the top level of AI-ROCKS. AI-ROCKS has the following dependencies: ObstacleLibrary and EmguCV.

Build everything in x64.

Building Dependencies

Refer to each library's README for more complete build details. Summaries of building dependencies are given here:


Buildling ObstacleLibrary:
- Open `csharp/ObstacleLibrary.sln` in Visual Studio
- Ensure you are building in x64: Navigate to Build > Configuration Manager. 
  Set `Active Solution Platform` to x64 and both `ObstacleLibrary` and `ObstacleLibraryNative` projects to x64.
- Build solution, or if there are issues, `ObstacleLibraryNative` and then `ObstacleLibrary` in that order
- Resultant `ObstacleLibrary.dll` and `ObstacleLibraryNative.lib` are in the `csharp/x64/Debug` directory
- Copy `ObstacleLibrary.dll` into top level of AI-ROCKS

EmguCV (Windows):

If EmguCV has not been installed, refer to the install guides for required Vision dependencies (below).

Add .dlls:
- Open your EmguCV install location in the file explorer
- Navigate to the `/bin` directory
- Find and copy the following .dlls to the top-level of AI-ROCKS:
	- `Emgu.CV.World.dll`
- Navigate to `/bin/x64`:
- Copy all four of the following .dlls to the `AI-ROCKS/AI-ROCKS/` project directory (not the top-level 
	- `cvextern.dll`
	- `msvcp140.dll`
	- `opencv_ffmpeg310_64.dll`
	- `vcruntime140.dll`

Building AI-ROCKS

Once all dependencies are in the top level of AI-ROCKS (above), build AI-ROCKS:

Building AI-ROCKS:
- Open `AI-ROCKS.sln`
- Ensure you are building in x64: Navigate to Build > Configuration Manager.
  Set `Active Solution Platform` to x64 and the `AI-ROCKS` project to x64.
- Build solution


Running AI-ROCKS

AI-ROCKS is currently run from Visual Studio in Windows. If doing obstacle detection (via LRF or Gazebo):

Running obstacle detection via ROCKS-LRF:
- Run ROCKS-LRF before running AI-ROCKS. Rever to ROCKS-LRF README. This will allow you to receive LRF data 
over UDP.
- You should see 'Waiting for handshake' in a console window. This will wait until ROCKS-LRF and AI-ROCKS have
completed a handshake before sending LRF data.
- Run AI-ROCKS (below). 
- Once AI-ROCKS is running, ROCKS-LRF should give output that the handshake has succeeded. Let ROCKS-LRF run
in background.

To run AI-ROCKS:

Running AI-ROCKS:
- Open `AI-ROCKS.sln` in Visual Studio (VS).
- Ensure AI-ROCKS builds. Refer to 'Building' for details.
- Navigate to Solution Explorer in VS. Right click on AI-ROCKS project > Properties.
- Navigate to 'Debug' tab. Under 'Start options', specify required command line args. These are specified below.
- Hit 'Start' and AI-ROCKS should run.

Command line arguments

The only required command line arg is for the LRF port, or -l <port> as shown below. All possible command line arguments to AI-ROCKS are as follows:

  • -l <port> - UDP port that AI-ROCKS communicates with ROCKS-LRF over. Default is 11000 and does not need to be specified.

  • -d <state> - Initial DriveState to start AI-ROCKS in, according to StateType enum.

    Note: 0 = GPSDriveState, 1 = VisionDriveState, and 2 = ObstacleAvoidanceDriveState. The default DriveState is GPSDriveState.

  • -g <address> - IP address to communicate to ROCKS over.

    The default is loopback ( as this is used for communicating with Ascent. If no value is specified, loopback is used. If running AI-ROCKS remotely or using Gazebo for testing, specify the IP address of the computer running ROCKS (i.e. the robot) or Gazebo in dot notation.

    Example: -g

  • -lat <deg> <min> <sec> - Latitude of the GPS coordinates of the gate, in Degrees, Minutes, Seconds format.

    Note: the list is specified in degrees minutes seconds, separated by spaces. For latitude/longitude to be specified as a param, both latitude and longitude must be specified (by -lat and -long)

    Example: -lat 43 4 17.9

  • -long <deg> <min> <sec> - Longitude of the GPS coordinates of the gate, in Degrees, Minutes, Seconds format.

    Note: the list is specified in degrees minutes seconds, separated by spaces. For latitude/longitude to be specified as a param, both latitude and longitude must be specified (by -lat and -long)

    Example: -long -89 24 41.1

  • -nogate - Test mode for GPS gate coordinates. If specified, do not use any gate GPS coordinates (from parameters via -lat or -long, or wait to receive from the base station).

    Note: this initializes the gate as having both latitude and longitude as 0,0,0.

  • -t - Test mode for LRF data. This flag will not try a handshake with ROCKS-LRF and no obstacle avoidance code will run.

  • -h <duration> - 'Hail Mary' timer. This signifies the amount of time AI-ROCKS will run before going into 'Hail Mary' mode, which will immediately take Ascent as close as possible to the gate using just GPS.

    Note: this is in milliseconds, so a 30 second timer would be -h 30000.

Necessary installations:

AI-ROCKS requires installing certain frameworks to resolve dependencies and build. The following gives brief explanations of these frameworks and describes short summaries for install processes.

OpenCV (Windows) (still in progress)

How To Install and Setup OpenCV For Python.

  1. Install Python 2.7 (32 bit version)

  2. Install OpenCV Follow this link:

    Or search for "OpenCV" on Google and get to the sourceforge site.

    Download opencv-2.4.13.exe.

    After downloading, look in the OpenCV directory: opencv/build/python/2.7/x86.

    Copy the file cv2.pyd into your Python27/Lib/site-packages directory.

  3. Install NumPy Follow this link:

    Or search for "NumPy" on google and get to the sourcefore site.

    Download numpy-1.9.2-win32-superpack-python2.7.exe.

    Run the installer by executing the downloaded binary.

  4. Test installation At the python terminal, type the following commands:

    >>import cv2
    >>import numpy

    If these commands produce no output, the packages are successfully installed.

  5. PIP Install From cmd run:

    >python -m pip install -U pip setuptools

    Add the folder C:\Python27\Scripts (or whereever else you installed Python) to your PATH (Environment variables)

    From cmd run

    >pip install imutils

EmguCV (Windows) (still in progress):

EmguCV is the C# wrapper of OpenCV: Download:

Version we use:

NOTE: we will transition to the NuGet package manager once it has an adequate version of EmguCV for us.


Install EmguCV:
- Download from above link
- Run `.exe` downloaded to install. Change destination directory if desired.
- {TODO more?}


(Pretty much just a dump of useful resources for now)

Follow the Gap obstacle avoidance method:



The Ascent AI code repo. AI-ROCKS is the AI portion of the ROCKS software stack for Ascent.






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