godataR v2.0.1
This release (production ready) contains a number new functions and simplified syntax to enhance user experience. Modifications below include:
- improved security when setting Go.Data credentials for API access token through getPass package
- simplified syntax for GET and POST requests
- convert NULL slots in data imported from Go.Data to NAget_date_range()
- gets minimum and maximum date from a vector of datesmongify_date()
- converts character strings or R date format into Go.Data mongodb date-time formatget_cases_epiwindow()
- retrieves cases from Go.Data that fall within a specific date range (using dateOfReporting)get_contacts_epiwindow()
- retrieves contacts from Go.Data that fall within a specific date range (using dateOfReporting)get_labresults_epiwindow()
- retrieve lab results from Go.Data that fall within a specific date range (using dateSampleCollected)