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Uninstalling Wox

Boris Makogonyuk edited this page Feb 9, 2018 · 1 revision

At the time of writing, there is no user friendly way of uninstalling Wox.

This is something that will be eventually corrected, but in the meantime please follow this guide:

1. Acquire the uninstallation script

There are two ways you may acquire the uninstallation script.

Expand code block

@echo off
echo === Wox uninstallation utility ===
echo Now running Squirrel uninstaller
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Wox\Update.exe --uninstall .
echo Deleting Wox application files
rmdir %LOCALAPPDATA%\Wox /S /Q

echo Deleting Wox configuration files
rmdir %APPDATA%\Wox /S /Q

echo Wox uninstalled and residous folders deleted. 

2. Run the uninstallation script

Double click on the .bat file that you now have to run the uninstaller.

3. Done

At this point you have successfully uninstalled Wox from your system.

4. What does the script do?

You may be interested as to what the script does, so here is a quick rundown.

:: First we call the Squirrel updater with the uninstall flag and the directory where it resides
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Wox\Update.exe --uninstall . 

:: Once Squirrel has done its job, we delete Wox's application folder recursively
rmdir %LOCALAPPDATA%\Wox /S /Q

:: We also delete Wox's configuration folder recursively
rmdir %APPDATA%\Wox /S /Q