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Efficiently partition billion-scale graphs on a single machine—even when the graph exceeds main memory capacity


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Efficiently partition billion-scale graphs on a single machine—even when the graph exceeds main memory capacity—using our optimized out-of-core algorithm.

This is a fork of the multi-threaded METIS partitioning algorithm mt-metis by Dominique LaSalle.

Evaluation Results

The algorithm can finish partitioning the graph faster and under constrained memory, compared to baseline solutions such as ParMETIS.

Memory consumption (GB):

dataset baseline ours (-K100) ours (-K400)
ogbn-products 7.4 5.3 /
ogbn-papers100M 232.4 44.7 /
400M OOM 108.7 178.3

Running time:

dataset baseline ours (-K100) ours (-K400)
ogbn-products 51s 14.7s /
ogbn-papers100M 37m 34m21s /
400M OOM 2h16m 1h27m

Note: "400M" is an artificial dataset obtained from augmenting the Papers100M dataset. For the "400M" dataset, two configurations are tested:

  • -K100: the chunk size is set to 100 mega-edges. This splits the 400M dataset into 11 chunks per thread, achieving a lower memory footprint.
  • -K400: the chunk size is set to 400 mega-edges. This keeps more edges in memory than the -K100 configuration, making execution faster while using more memory.



In order to prepare the dataset, you need to have the following python modules installed:

pip install dgl
pip install ogb

mt-metis itself does not have any dependencies. To compile mt-metis:

./configure --vertices64bit --edges64bit --weights64bit
make -j$(nproc)

The executable can be found under /path/to/source/build/Linux-x86_64/bin.

Prepare Dataset

The script under testbench/ converts a graph dataset into a CSR-based binary format that can be used directly by mt-metis. To run the preparation script:

python \
    --dataset ogbn-papers400M \
    --root /data1 \
    [--balance-train] \
    [--balance-edges] \
    --output /path/to/data/binary/

where the dataset can be ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products, ogbn-papers100M or ogbn-papers400M. The flag --balance-train and --balance-edges are optional. The flag --balance-train adds a constraint to balance the number of training nodes in each partition. The flag --balance-edges adds a constraint to balance the number of edges in each partition.

The script will download the dataset from the OGB website and convert it into binary format. The binary format is a collection of the following files:

  • [graphname]_meta.txt: the metadata of the dataset, including the number of nodes, edges, and the number of constraints.
  • [graphname]_vwgt.bin: the node weights. Used as constraints to balance the nodes in each partition.
  • [graphname]_indptr.bin and [graphname]_indices.bin: the graph structure in CSR format.

You can then pass [graphname] as the input to mt-metis.


Use the following command to run mt-metis on a prepared binary format dataset:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=<#nthreads> \
    <path/to/mtmetis> \
    [-t] \
    [-K<n>] \
    <path/to/graph data> \
    <#parts> \


  • #nthreads: number of threads to use
  • -t: print timing information (optional)
  • -K<n>: the chunk size. Setting this value limits the maximum used memory by splitting the structural data into chunks and only load a fraction of the whole graph at a time. Example: -K50 makes every chunk contain at most 50 mega-edges. Default is unlimited
  • graph data: can be METIS format (.graph file) or binary format
  • #parts: total number of partitions
  • partfile: the file to output partition assignments (optional)


  • #nthreads and #parts do not require to divide each other.
  • The program generates temporary files under the current work directory that can be very big (about several times the size of the original input graph). Please consider running mt-metis under a dedicated temporary directory that has sufficient disk space. You may want to manually delete the temporary directory after the program finishes.


The benchmarks use GNU time to measure the elapsed time and peak resident memory.

DGL Baseline

DGL provides parallel METIS partitioning functionality via ParMETIS. Refer to dglpart-install to install the required programs and prepare the dataset.

Before running the benchmark, first fill out the "CONFIGURATION" section in testbench/

Make sure to put the input data in the current working directory, then run the benchmark:



Edit testbench/ to change TMPDIR,LOGDIR and MTMETIS path. Edit testbench/ to set the location of the datasets.

Then run testbench/ to launch the benchmark.


Efficiently partition billion-scale graphs on a single machine—even when the graph exceeds main memory capacity







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