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Releases: XanaduAI/thewalrus

Release 0.21.0

10 Jan 21:57
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New features

  • Adds the Takagi decomposition (#363)

  • Adds the Montrealer and Loop Montrealer functions (#363).


  • Tighten power-trace bound of odd loop Hafnian. (#362)

  • Simplifies the internal working of Bloch-Messiah decomposition (#363).

  • Simplifies the internal working of Williamson decomposition (#366).

  • Improves the handling of an edge case in Takagi (#373).

  • Adds extra tests for the Takagi decomposition (#377)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Yanic Cardin (@yaniccd), Gregory Morse (@GregoryMorse), Nicolas Quesada (@nquesada)

Release 0.20.0

06 Mar 17:45
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New features

  • Implementation of gaussian boson sampling and gaussian boson sampling with threshold detectors. (#343)
  • New function to produce Bloch-Messiah decomposition of symplectic matrices. (#352)


  • Added function to extend single mode symplectic to act on multiple modes. (#347)
  • Added function to compute grouped (total) click probabilities for GBS setups using threshold detectors. The function uses the positive P-distribution simulation method of Drummond et al.. (#348)

Bug fixes

  • Remove redundant call of Qmat, Amat from generate_hafnian_sample. (#343)



This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov (@Mandrenkov), Sebastián Duque (@sduquemesa), Jacob Hastrup (@JacobHast), Antonín Hoskovec (@thonic), Martin Houde (@MHoude2), Benjamin Lanthier (@benjaminlanthier), Dominic Leclerc (@dleclerc33), Filippo Miatto (@ziofil), Will McCutcheon, Brandon Turcotte (@brandonpolymtl), Jiaqi Zhao (@JQZ1111)

Release 0.19.0

22 Mar 19:12
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New features

  • New functions for calculating properties of distinguishable squeezed states of light having passed through an interferometer. #326

  • New function ltor is added which allows threshold_detector_prob to act more consistently on displaced and zero-mean Gaussian states. #317

  • New functions for threshold detection probabilities of Fock states, the Bristolian (brs) and the Unitary Bristolian (ubrs). #316

  • Entanglement measures entanglement_entropy and log_negativity for bipartite Gaussian states are added to the quantum submodule. #332

  • New functions, recursive_hafnian and solve added in the _hafnian module. #325

  • New function to check if a matrix is symplectic is_symplectic. #334.

  • Adds support for Python 3.10. #337


Bug fixes

  • Permanent algorithms handle 0x0 cases correctly. #320


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Jake Bulmer, Luke Helt, Martin Houde, Theodor Isacsson, Benjamin Lanthier, Fabian Laudenbach, Dominic Leclerc, Gregory Morse, Nicolas Quesada, Brandon Turcotte, Jiaqi Zhao

Release 0.18.0

16 Dec 19:31
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New features

  • Python module for the La Budde method of computing characteristic polynomials. #304


  • Permanent algorithms are implemented in Python using Numba just-in-time compilation. #300

  • Hafnian algorithms are implemented in Python using Numba just-in-time compilation. #311

  • Documentation is updated to include the characteristic polynomials and decompositions modules. #312

Bug fixes

  • Makes modules reachable via the global namespace, instead of requiring importing the modules explicitly. #312

    import thewalrus as tw

Breaking Changes

  • The Walrus is no longer dependent on C++, and all C++-related code and documentation is removed. Instead, all code has been ported to Python using just-in-time compilation to improve performance. #311


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Theodor Isacsson, Benjamin Lanthier, Dominic Leclerc, Nicolas Quesada, Brandon Turcotte, Trevor Vincent, Jiaqi Zhao

Release 0.17.0

18 Nov 23:25
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  • Python installation no longer requires repoze.lru. #293

  • Multidimensional Hermite polynomials are now implemented in Numba, hence reducing the C++ dependencies of The Walrus. #295

  • Updates missing figures in the "Basics of Hafnians and Loop Hafnians" documentation. #288


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov, Sebastián Duque

Release 0.16.2

17 Sep 22:06
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Bug fixes

  • hermite_multidimensional_numba can now handle a cutoff of type np.ndarray with shape=[]. #283


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Filippo Miatto

Release 0.16.1

03 Sep 21:52
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  • Faster implementation of hermite_multidimensional_numba and hermite_multidimensional_numba_grad. #280

Bug fixes

  • Updates the samples.generate_torontonian_sample function to ensure probabilities are normalized. #250

  • Pins Numba to version <0.54 to avoid binary imcompatibilities with the 1.21 release of NumPy. #250


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Josh Izaac, Filippo Miatto, Nicolas Quesada.

Release 0.16.0

18 Aug 19:00
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New features

  • Adds the function hafnian_sparse to compute sparse loop hafnians (pure Python implementation). #245

  • The symplectic.squeezing function is now generalized to multiple modes of single mode squeezing. #249

  • Adds a function symplectic.passive_transformation which allows for Gaussian states to be transformed by arbitrary non-unitary, non-square linear optical transformations. #249

  • The torontonian_sample_state function can now sample displaced Gaussian states. #248

  • Adds the function hafnian_banded to calculate the hafnian of a banded matrix. #246

  • Adds the functions hermite_multidimensional_numba and grad_hermite_multidimensional_numba to calculate renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomials and its gradients using Numba. #251

  • Adds the functions mzgate and grad_mzgate to calculate the Fock representation of the Mach-Zehnder gate and its gradients. #257

  • Adds the ability to calculate n-body photon number distributions using the function n_body_marginals. #253

  • Adds the ability to calculate cumulants and arbitrary expectation values of products of powers of photon numbers with the functions photon_number_cumulant and photon_number_moment respectively. #264

  • Adds support for calculating the permanent using the BBFG algorithm and changes this to the default method for calculating permanents. #267

  • Adds the ability to calculate click cumulants in threshold detection with the function click_cumulant. #264


  • Speeds up the calculation of photon number variances/covariances. #244

  • Updates documentation for the the tor function. #265

  • Numba methods for multidimensional hermite can now detect dtype automatically. #271

Bug fixes

  • Corrects bug in the function photon_number_covar that gave incorrect results when the covariance between two modes with finite displacements was calculated. #264

  • Fixes a bug in that would cause the build to fail when using miniforge for M1 macs. #273

  • Updates the samples.generate_hafnian_sample function to renormalize probabilities. #250

Breaking changes

  • Torontonians and approximations to the hafnian for non-negative matrices are no longer calculated in C++ using the Eigen software library. Instead, they are now calculated in pure Python using Numba. These changes have the nice result of making The Walrus compilable from source using only a C++ compiler. #262 #259.


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Ali Asadi, Jake Bulmer, Timjan Kalajdzievski, Filippo Miatto, Nicolas Quesada, Yuan Yao

Release 0.15.1

24 Apr 05:38
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Bug fixes

  • Builds The Walrus binaries against an older version of NumPy, to avoid a breaking ABI change in NumPy 1.20. #240


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Josh Izaac

Version 0.15.0

23 Apr 16:35
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New features

  • Adds the function random_banded_interferometer to generate unitary matrices with a given bandwidth. #208

  • Adds the function tvd_cutoff_bounds to calculate bounds in the total variation distance between a Fock-truncated and an ideal GBS distribution. #210

  • Adds function for calculating threshold detection probabilities for Gaussian states with displacement. #220

  • Adds new functions total_photon_number_distribution and characteristic_function to study properties of the total photon number distribution of a k identical lossy squeezers. #230

  • Adds new functions xxpp_to_xpxp and xpxp_to_xxpp in the symplectic module to swap the ordering of the quadrature operators in vectors and matrices. #237


  • The hafnians and loop hafnians of diagonal matrices are now calculated in polynomial time. #212

  • Refactors to avoid issues with CFLAGS. #229

  • The fidelity function in quantum/ is rewritten to add clarity. #226

  • Simplifies logic of normal_ordered_expectation by removing mutually cancelling np.conj. #228

Bug fixes

  • Removes unnecessary np.real_if_close statements in quantum/ causing the probabilities to not be normalized. #215

  • Fixes the prefactor in pure_state_amplitude. #231


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Jack Brown, Jake Bulmer, Rachel Chadwick, Stefano Paesani, Nicolas Quesada