One of the major concerns blocking enterprise adoption of OlegDB is the lack of integration with existing enterprise workloads and toolsets. This project aims to fix this, allowing anyone desiring a MAYO redundant parallel uptime galaxy-scale supercluster to have OlegDB: Enterprise Edition as a Marginally Available option.
License is MIT. For consulting services, please contact
$ redis-cli -p 6660> jar foo bar
OK> unjar foo
JAR <key> <value>
This is OlegDB's canonical 'set' function. Put a value into the mayo (the database). It's easy to piss in a bucket, it's not easy to piss in 19 jars.
UNJAR <key>
This function retrieves a value from the database.
SCOOP <key>
Removes an object from the database. Get that crap out of the mayo jar.
MEBBE <prefix>
Return keys that match a given prefix.
, except that it takes no prefix and just dumps the entire tree.
SPOIL <key> <duration>
Sets the expiration value of a key. Will fail if no value under the chosen key exists.
SNIFF <key>
Retrieves the expiration time (RFC 3339) for a given key from the database.
Compacts both the aol file (if enabled) and the values file. This is a blocking operation.
CANHAS <key>
Returns whether the given key exists on the database.
Gets the time, in seconds, that a database has been up.