Voxel 3D models, and textures for the implementation of characters and NPCs in Terasology.
The idea is to make Terasology similar to MC, but with a different aspect, new and innovative features, with strong RPG elements and exploration.
Official site: http://terasology.org/
Official Forum: https://forum.terasology.org/forum/
- 👫 Creation of whole NPC models, and divided by categories (heads, bodies, hands, feet).
- ✏️ Creation textures for the face of the characters (facial expressions).
- 🎮 Creation of objects associated with the various NPC categories (Blacksmith anvil, armor, helmets, tools, weapons, various objects).
- ❗ Prototypes temples of biomes.
- 🌄 New Texture Pack for Terasology vanilla (in process).
- 📖 Create documentation of the modeling and conversion process of models and materials.
- 📖 Create documentation for the process of creating new textures.
- 🐛 Model optimization (number of polygons, vertices and more).
- 🐷 Creation of models for animals.
- 💾 Creation of the "TeraMobs" module, to test the models in game.