Whats this for? this is my pre-configure and driverless Antiransomware app using Honeypot technique , YARA Rules , And Other stuff That aim to detect and prevent a total lockdown during a Zero day Ransomware attack where your EDR or Security Solution failed to detect it (Dont worry this app can also Detect already known Ransomware using Yara and Malware Bazaar API)
- Some Advanced Targeted Ransomware Attack can still bypass this app
- Some Yara Rules that been used by this project are from other public repo and people , credit to their respective owner(check the yara files for more information about them)
- This Tool only act as a Lastline of defense incase there is a miss configuration or a failure of your EDR/Security Solution
- There is a chance some of your files still be encrypted (first and second deep folder&file from root volume is expected to be encrypted during an attack)
- Made to be compatible/run with other EDR/Security Program
- This app only Scan & Protect on a folder that Ransomware and other Malware mostly used to spread and infect
(Compile your own version for added protection or again use other EDR/Security Solution) Report any False Positive and Missed Detection if you can , i really appriciate it
- First my script will create a Honeypot folder called "Honey" (which i recommend to change it before you use or compile it, someday a Ransomware Criminal may see this Repo and skip the Honeypot folder)
- Then user will put their Bait and Dummy file which my script will monitor it as long the script still running
- After user turn on the Realtime Protection my script will take a snapshot of the current running process, if something touch the Honeypot folder it will kill all process that newly spawned or running after the snapshot
In short : Blacklist > Yara > Behaviour > Honeypot (Lastline of defense)
Execution Watcher will watch all CMD & PS and compare it with my Blacklisted keyword will try to kill those malicious call before it can execute the command
Optional Feature : Panic Button incase some undetected Screenlocker managed to lock the screen & TrustGuard for Windows Hardening
- Download Sigcheck from Sysinternals
- Run my App/Script , dont turn on the feature yet
- Press "Open Honeypot Folder"
- Then fill the Folder with dummy file
- Turn on my Antiransomware Feature
- Let my app do the work
Note: Dont forget to fill the Whitelist on yaramodule script else it will scan everything including system files or use my pre configure installer (check release section) , if you lazy to do it
To use your own custom Yara Rules just create a new .yar file with name "Custom" in C:\Users\(Your Username)\AppData\Local\RansomPyShield\Rules
Got a screenlocker that my app wont detect? dont worry just Press Ctrl + Shift + K , this will kill all new running process after the process snapshot
- Driverless protection (Rootkit and spyware worry free :D)
- Easy GUI
- Free and Open Source you can Edit and Compile it to your liking or even made your own version for added protection
- Honeypot
- YARA Rules that can be updated automatically (Custom curated By Me from other Public Repo and Place(InQuest awesome-yara))
- Exploit Blocker(Based on YARA Rules)
- Suspicious Generic Ransomware & Bypass Technique detection (Based on Yara Rules)
- Convention Engine Yara Rules (Convention Engine Github)
- Blacklist based on Sha256 hash from Malware Bazaar "Query tag" API (Malware Bazaar)
- Whitelist (Hardcoded on script to make it hard for threat actor to modify the whitelist system , ill find a workaround to make it easier)
- Support your own custom yara rules
- Panic Button (got a Screenlocker? dont worry press Ctrl + Shift + K)
- Suspicious Exec/Command Filter (this will watch all cmd & PS call and compare with my blacklisted keyword that shouldnt be used in a regular user session)
- Folder Behaviour Activity
- TrustGuard (Block all executable with High Entropy, Packed(Yara Rule), Leaked Digital Signer(Yara Rule), Unsigned)
- there is a chance of False Positive , if this happen just close this app then run the blocked app again (report if this happen)
- Will close other app and process during detection
- Ransomware sometimes still can Encrypt some of your file
- Some Fileless Ransomware can bypass this app(Screenlocker or Disklocker/wiper like Petya) (This is because my app depends heavily on Yara Rules , Honeypot , Hash)
- Some ransomware can bypass this app by killing this app process or check where's my honeypot file and skip it (i probably know how to fix this?)
- Depends heavily with Windows API library (You need to optimize and rewrite the script again to use on other OS)
- if you turn off then turning on the Realtime Protection again the Yara Scan feature wont work anymore (for now just re open the app)
- Spaghetti Code (this one i wont fix :P , this was only my side lil project for my uni assignment but ill try to maintain it as long as possible)
- Still cant detect old Honeypot folder (for now just delete any hidden folder that you dont make manually when the app/script doest running)
- Whitelist still hardcoded on code (i will try to find a work-around)
- You need Sigcheck from sysinternals for the TrustGuard else it will crash
- Machine-Learning (this might take a long time because i need to learn about ML and create a custom Dataset)
- Memory Dump (Hoping that the Key is in the Memory for further analysis and decryption)
- Registry Recovery & Protection
- Simple Anti-Tamper & Self-Defense Mechanism
- Rename the folder name of my honeypot folder in the my code
- Compile my Script using Nuitka this can help prevent some Ransomware/Malware kill the Compiled app
python -m nuitka --standalone --windows-uac-admin --enable-plugin=tk-inter --remove-output --windows-console-mode=disable RansomPyShield.py
python -m nuitka --standalone --windows-uac-admin --enable-plugin=tk-inter --remove-output --windows-console-mode=disable RansomPyShield.py
if you still need console for debugging or other stuff just remove the --windows-console-mode=disable argument
after that put it somewhere else like Program Files or Appdata or wherever you want
try to put in a place where ransomware will not or rarely target
Note: Using the onefile option will probably trigger some AV Protection eg Bitdefender
Why we do all this? CX_Freeze and PyInstaller only pack our script with Python Intepreter which a lot of ransomware will Encrypt .py extension file
Do remember that this will not protect the compiled app from getting killed or bypassed by some Advanced or targeted Ransomware attack
- Wannacry
- Lockbit 3.0(Black)
- Cerber
- Fantom
- BrainChiper (Modified Lockbit 3.0 that attack Indonesia Goverment)
- And some other random Ransomware & Screenlocker