Using JOptionPane class, add two numbers and show.
Using JPanel,JFrame and Graphics class, show 4 differents panels design by using drawLine method from Graphics.
This also include JButton object with actionListener interface.
This program get binary number from user, then calculate and show its decimal equivalent.
Using JPanel, JFrame and Graphics classes, draw 12 concentric circles in the center of a JPanel,
the innermost circle have 10 pixel radius, every circle's radius 10 pixel bigger than another.
Using JPanel, JFrame, JOptionPane, Graphics, Color classes, show input dialogs for getting 5 integer data from user
and draw 5 charts in a JPanel by using drawRect method from graphics and fill them different colors using Color class.
This Program find and show pythagorean triples that length of sides are less than or equal to 500
This program print a diamond of asterisks which have length user want.
Using method fillOval , draw a bull’s-eye that alternates between two random colors
Draws 10 random filled shapes in random colors, positions and sizes
Reads two values from the user, calculate GCD of these numbers and display result.
This program use Euclid's Alorithm
Draws spirals with methods drawLine and drawArc
Can the knight piece move around an empty chess-board and touch each of the 64 squares once and only once?
We study this intriguing problem with different approaches.
Create a set of shape classes that store information about each shape by using polymorphic behavior.
Class DrawPanel , which will generate random objects of class MyLine, MyOval and MyRectangle.
Class TestDraw in test package sets up a new window to display our drawings.