This is a GUI project for FITE 7405 to price options. An electron startup template is used electron-vite-vue. The program can be run on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
The GUI will communicate with the backend server (default localhost:7405) to retrieve the calculation methods and parameters.
You can customize the server address (if you want to provide service remotely) or make customization in this way. clone the whole repo, cd into the project directory, and run
npm install
# pnpm install #if you are using pnpm
For development
For build
vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build && electron-builder
You can modify the electron-builder.json5
config to modify the build configuration.
The calculation is done in a Python server, and implementing calculation methods should be done in Python, so to add new calculation methods no UI code needs to be modified. To add new calculation methods, follow the README here.
still, you can follow the README here