- Clone this project to your local environment:
git clone git@github.com:XueDAOTW/2024-Sol-Workshop-Class1.git
- Enter the
project:cd class1
- Build the project:
forge build
- Test the project:
forge test -vvv
, there are 10 tests in total and all of them should pass.
Run the local Ethereum node: make anvil
- Check the total supply of DAI token:
cast call 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f "totalSupply()(uint256)" --rpc-url https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/Lc7oIGYeL_QvInzI0Wiu_pOZZDEKBrdf
cast 4byte-decode 0x1F1F897F676d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e7
- testing framework:
forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 10 tests for test/bank.t.sol:BankTest
[PASS] test_balances() (gas: 9926)
[PASS] test_deposit() (gas: 44678)
[PASS] test_fallback() (gas: 44469)
[PASS] test_owner() (gas: 7637)
[PASS] test_receive() (gas: 44480)
[PASS] test_reentrancy() (gas: 393543)
[PASS] test_rugpull() (gas: 54355)
[PASS] test_version() (gas: 6932)
[PASS] test_withdraw() (gas: 82027)
[PASS] test_withdrawAll() (gas: 61819)
Suite result: ok. 10 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 8.11ms (2.84ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 468.32ms (8.11ms CPU time): 10 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (10 total tests)
- test coverage:
forge coverage
Ran 1 test suite in 472.14ms (9.66ms CPU time): 10 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (10 total tests)
| File | % Lines | % Statements | % Branches | % Funcs |
| script/Counter.s.sol | 0.00% (0/1) | 0.00% (0/1) | 100.00% (0/0) | 0.00% (0/2) |
| src/bank.sol | 90.48% (19/21) | 91.67% (22/24) | 50.00% (5/10) | 100.00% (9/9) |
| test/bank.t.sol | 100.00% (7/7) | 88.89% (8/9) | 50.00% (2/4) | 100.00% (4/4) |
| Total | 89.66% (26/29) | 88.24% (30/34) | 50.00% (7/14) | 86.67% (13/15) |