- Build container 'docker build -t bot .'
- Run 'docker compose up'
- Run 'docker compose exec mongo_db sh' to open container CLi.
- Run 'mongosh' to start session (?).
Then you can use different commands:
- show collections
- show tables
- db.logs.find()
logs - table name to display.
Since telegram supports html or markdown modes we can use different approaches. BTW, I prefer markdown due to compact syntax. if you want to use HTML instead change getDefaultMessageParameters(). Change the 'parse_mode' to 'HTML' formatting type.
A few simple rules for editing texting YML file:
- Always use double quotes (Otherwise \n may not work).
- Escape following characters (.-_*), add \ character before.
- You can find allowed formatting on this page https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#formatting-options
There a bunch of sub-services to simplify code base.
Used to log every single message from user. Can be turned off via configuration file. Take a look on /config/logger.yml to specify logger configurations.
Integrates third-party service Cat API and return random cat photo. API credentials stored in .env file.
Just install and configure prettier in JetBrains IDE. That's it.