An automatic presentation generator from a TreeSheets hierarchy.
Turn this TreeSheets hierarchy:
Into this presentation (.gif file - wait for load):
TreeSheets is a superb tool for editing & describing hierarchies.
TreeSlides automatically generates an hierarchical presentation from a TreeSheets file exported to XML.
The presentation can be navigated using the keyboard.
- Design your presentation in a linear-hierarchical manner:
- Each node (cell) can have text, and an optional child grid.
- Each child grid can have an arbitrary number of rows.
- Each row can have an arbitrary number of columns, but only the first column is displayed.
- Unlimited nesting is supported.
- Export the treesheet to an XML file named topics.xml.
- After compiling TreeSlides, place the xml near the TreeSlides.exe binary.
- Optionally replace the bg.png file near the binary with another background image, having the same name.
- To start the presetation, simply launch TreeSlides.exe.
- Right/Left buttons: go to next/previous node; traverses the tree in depth-first order
- Esc: go up one level
- Down/Up: go to next/previous sibling
- Home: restart presentation (go to root)
- F11: toggle full screen
- F5: reload from xml
An example presentation is provided in example.cts.