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YakNazim authored Sep 13, 2019
1 parent ec35fec commit ccd7fb0
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Showing 90 changed files with 2,569 additions and 0 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions source-code/Gas outlow/calc_k_coeff.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
function k = calc_k_coeff (P0,Pa,gamma)
%calc_k_coeff Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
% P0 : vessel internal presure
% Pa : atmospheric pressure
% gamma : poisson's coefficient

eval = ((gamma + 1) / 2 ) ^ (gamma / (gamma-1)) ;

if ((P0/Pa) >= eval)
% supersonic flow
k = gamma * (2/(gamma+1)) ^ ((gamma+1)/(2*(gamma-1)));

% subsonic flow
k = sqrt( ((2*gamma^2)/(gamma-1)) * (Pa/P0)^(2/gamma) * (1-( (Pa/P0)^((gamma-1)/gamma))) ) ;



Binary file added source-code/Gas outlow/gas_outflow.mlapp
Binary file not shown.
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions source-code/Gas outlow/gas_outflow_function.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
function gas_outflow_function(V,P0,T0,Cd,Wg,Cv,gamma,Pa,d0,time_step)

% Parameters
max_len = 100 ; % initial size of array
max_tolerable_len = 5000 ; % max len possible

% Converting to SI
P0 = P0 * 10^5 ;
Pa = Pa * 10^5; % Bar to Pa
d0 = d0 * 0.01 ; % cm to meter
Cv = Cv * 1000 ; % Kj to J
R = 8.314 ; % UNiversal gas constant
Wg = Wg / 1000 ; % g/mol to kg/mol
% Arrays
M = zeros(1,max_len) ;
t = zeros(1,max_len) ;
T = zeros(1,max_len) ;
Rho = zeros(1,max_len) ;
P = zeros(1,max_len) ;
P_Pa = zeros(1,max_len) ;
q = zeros(1,max_len) ;
delta_rho = zeros(1,max_len) ;
delta_T = zeros(1,max_len) ;

% Initialization
T(1,1) = T0 ;
P(1,1) = P0 ;
t(1,1) = 0 ;
Rho (1,1) = (P(1,1) * Wg) / (R * T(1,1)) ;
A = (pi * d0^2)/4 ;
P_Pa(1,1) = P(1,1) / Pa ;

i = 1 ;

while ( P_Pa(1,i) > 1 && i<= max_tolerable_len)
M(1,i) = (P(1,i) * V) / (R*T(1,i)) * Wg ;
K = calc_k_coeff(P(1,i),Pa,gamma) ;
q(1,i) = A * Cd * P(1,i) * K * sqrt (Wg / ( gamma * R * T(1,i))) ;

delta_rho(1,i) = (q(1,i)/V) * time_step ;
delta_T(1,i) = (P(1,i) / ((Rho(1,i)^2)*Cv))*delta_rho(1,i) ;

Rho(1,i+1) = Rho(1,i) - delta_rho(1,i) ;
T(1,i+1) = T(1,i) - delta_T(1,i) ;
P(1,i+1) = ( Rho(1,i+1) * R * T(1,i+1) ) / Wg ;
t(1,i+1) = t(1,i) + time_step;
P_Pa(1,i+1) = P(1,i+1) / Pa ;


i = i -1 ;

M = M(1:i) ;
t = t(1:i) ;
T = T(1:i) ;
Rho = Rho(1:i) ;
P = P(1:i) ;
q = q(1:i) ;
delta_rho = delta_rho(1:i) ;
delta_T = delta_T(1:i) ;
P_Pa = P_Pa(1:i);

if (P(1,i)> Pa && i == 1000)
% memory overflow
opts = struct('WindowStyle','modal',...
f = errordlg('Could not end the simulation. Try increasing the timestep. ','Memory overflow',opts);


Sim_array = zeros(i,9) ;
Sim_array(:,1) = t(1,:);
Sim_array(:,2) = M(1,:);
Sim_array(:,3) = T(1,:);
Sim_array(:,4) = Rho(1,:);
Sim_array(:,5) = P(1,:);
Sim_array(:,6) = P_Pa(1,:);
Sim_array(:,7) = q(1,:);
Sim_array(:,8) = delta_rho(1,:);
Sim_array(:,9) = delta_T(1,:);

Td = array2table(Sim_array,...

f0 = figure;
f0.Name = 'Graphs';
hold on
grid on
grid minor
title('Pressure reduction over time inside the vessel ')
ylabel('Pressure [Pa]')
legend('P inside vessel','Atmospheric pressure')

grid on
grid minor
title('mass flow over time ')
ylabel('Mass flow [Kg/s]')

grid on
grid minor
title('Temperature reduction over time inside the vessel ')
ylabel('Temperature [K]')

grid on
grid minor
title('Mass reduction over time inside the vessel ')
ylabel('Mass [Kg]')
xlabel('time in seconds')

f = figure;
f.Resize = 'off';
f.Position(3) = 800;
f.Position(4) = 500;
f.ToolBar = 'none';
f.MenuBar = 'none';
f.Name = 'Data points';
uit = uitable(f,'Data',Sim_array,'Position',[f.Position(1)*0.1 f.Position(2)*0.2 f.Position(3)*0.85 f.Position(4)*0.8]);
uit.ColumnName = {'t (s)','M (kg)','T(k)','Rho (kg/m3)','P(Pa)','P/Pa','q(Kg/s)','dRho', 'dT'};

c = uicontrol;
c.String = 'Save';
c.Callback = @ButtonPushed;

function ButtonPushed(~,~ )
path = uigetdir;
path = strcat(path,'/data_array.xls' )
status = copyfile ('temp.xls' , path) ;



129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions source-code/fireball/Fireball.prj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
<deployment-project plugin="plugin.apptool" plugin-version="1.0">
<configuration build-checksum="859362945" file="/home/nazim/Bureau/source-code/fireball/Fireball.prj" location="/home/nazim/Bureau/source-code/fireball" name="Fireball" target="target.mlapps" target-name="Package App">
<param.authnamewatermark>YAKHOU Nazim</param.authnamewatermark>
< />
< />
<param.summary>Modelize hydrocarbon fireballs and their effects</param.summary>
<param.description>This application features empricial models for hydrocarbon fireballs modelization.
Featured models include : TNO,Mudan, Solid flame model ...
This application can compute geometrical properties of the fireball as well as heatflux values over distance (1D - 2D) and its effects (probabilities of death - injuries)</param.description>
< />
< />
<param.products.version />
<param.platforms />
< />
< />
<param.version />
< />
< />
<param.products.version />
<param.platforms />
<fileset.resources />
<fileset.package />
<file location="/home/nazim" name="Bureau" optional="false">/home/nazim/Bureau</file>
<workflow />
<toolbox name="matlabcoder" />
<toolbox name="embeddedcoder" />
<toolbox name="gpucoder" />
<toolbox name="fixedpoint" />
<toolbox name="matlabhdlcoder" />
<toolbox name="polyspacebugfinder" />
<toolbox name="neuralnetwork" />
Binary file added source-code/fireball/Fireball_resources/icon_16.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Binary file added source-code/fireball/Fireball_resources/icon_24.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions source-code/fireball/SEP_computation.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
function SEP = SEP_computation(Psv,burning_rate,combustion_heat)
%% Summary :
% SEP_computation computes the maximum surface emitting power of the fireball
%% Reference : (FIRES, EXPLOSIONS,AND TOXIC GAS DISPERSIONS - 2010 - p 102 C-2.41)
%% Input parameters :
% Psv : vapour pressure inside the vessel in MPa
% burning_rate %of flamable substance - kg/s
% combustion_heat : heat of combustion of the flamable substance (Kj/Kg)
%% Output parameters
% SEP : surface emitting power in Kw/m²

%% Code
c6 = 0.00325 ;
Fs = c6*((Psv*10^6)^0.32); % radiation fraction / TNO
SEP = Fs*burning_rate*combustion_heat ;


25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions source-code/fireball/batch_heat_flux_computation_1D.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
function [R_1D,heat_flux_batch1D] = batch_heat_flux_computation_1D(D_max,Resolution,fireball_height,Pow,RH,SEP )
%batch_heat_flux_computation computes heat flux for various distances

radius = D_max/2 ;
max_distance = 10 * radius ;
%Res = Resolution ;
Res = 500 ;
step = max_distance / Res ;

if(step<1) % step can't be less than 1 meter
step = 1;

R_1D = 0:step:max_distance ;
i = numel(R_1D) ;
heat_flux_batch1D = ones(i,1);

for c = 1:i
F12 = view_factor_computation(D_max,fireball_height,R_1D(c)) ;
trs = transmissivity(Pow,RH,R_1D(c),D_max);
heat_flux_batch1D(c) = single_heatflux_computation(SEP,F12,trs);

34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions source-code/fireball/batch_heat_flux_computation_2D.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
function [X,Y,heat_flux_batch2D] = batch_heat_flux_computation_2D(D_max,Resolution,fireball_height,Pow,RH,SEP )
%batch_heat_flux_computation computes heat flux for various distances

radius = D_max/2 ;
max_distance = 10 * radius ;
step = max_distance / Resolution ;

if(step<1) % step can't be less than 1 meter
step = 1;

x =-max_distance:step:max_distance ;
y =-max_distance:step:max_distance ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) ;
R = ceil(R) ;

i = numel(x) ;
heat_flux_batch2D = ones(i);

for c = 1:i
for r = 1:i
F12 = view_factor_computation(D_max,fireball_height,R(r,c)) ;
trs = transmissivity(Pow,RH,R(r,c),D_max);
heat_flux_batch2D(r,c) = single_heatflux_computation(SEP,F12,trs);




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