Automatically upload your Hearts of Iron IV (support for more Paradox games to come) mod to Steam Workshop.
Only email Steam Guard is supported. You need to configure a POP3 server on your email account so that the script can obtain Steam Guard codes. Passing a Steam Sentry File no longer works reliably.
Readme will be extended soon.
The login for Steam account.
The password for Steam account. Make sure to use a secret.
The email for Paradox account.
The password for Paradox account. Make sure to use a secret.
to the mod directory.
Address to POP3 email server to obtain Steam Guard codes from. Make sure to use a secret.
User of POP3 email server to obtain Steam Guard codes from. Make sure to use a secret.
Password of POP3 email server to obtain Steam Guard codes from. Make sure to use a secret.
Port of POP3 email server to obtain Steam Guard codes from. Defaults to 995
Set to true
if the POP3 email server doesn't support SSL. Defaults to false
to a text file containing mod description.
to a folder where debug images will be saved (eg. to upload them as artifacts for review in case of failure).
Created by Antoni Baum (Yard1).
Paradox Launcher by Paradox Interactive.