Welcome to the Millionaire Quiz App! Test your knowledge and challenge yourself with this exciting trivia game based on the popular TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?".
- make the layout adaptive;
- do the layout without using CSS frameworks;
- the game config (questions, answers, money for the correct answer, etc.) must be in json format;
- the task is implemented using the latest version of React;
- all client code must fully comply with the eslint/airbnb out-of-the-box rules.
- React (RTK)
- TypeScript
- Use 20 version of node.js:
$ nvm use 20
- Clone the repository to your local machine, open terminal (GitBash for Windows users) and clone repo with command bellow:
git clone https://github.com/YaroslavYarynych/quiz-app.git
- Open editor, set up project and install necessary packages in the code-editor you use:
$ npm install
- Open the project in browser:
$ npm run dev
- Bulid project:
$ npm run build
- GitHub - YaroslavYarynych
- Telegram - Slavik_Yarynych
- LinkedIn - Yaroslav Yarynych