K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai -77
(A Constituent College of Somaiya Vidyavihar University)
Team Members:
- Yash Gavade - 16010120015
- Jinay Jain -16010120018
The role of an online travel Reviewer is becoming increasingly important in the accommodation industry as they provide a convenient way for travelers to arrange their stay. From the comfort of their home, travelers can compare hotel prices and book them over the internet.
Travel Reviewer plays an important role in the travel sector business :
An important link between the clients reviews.
brand Image-Builder.
Ensures rapid travel services.
Provider of authentic and reliable travel information from clients (users) .
A social interaction betweeen users .
Low-cost method accommodation services
Reduced online marketing spend
the confidence to book Users can easily compare various accommodation costs at one place Digital
marketing packages - how to build one !
Features included in the App:
- Ability to add multiple trips
- Ability to delete a trip
- Each trip has a "To do" note taker
- User can generate a pdf file for each trip
- Retrieves weather data depending on the trip's length
- A relevant image will appear depending on the trip's location
- Sass
- Javascript
- Babel
- Webpack
- NodeJS (npm & Express)
- Jest (development)
- Geonames API
- Weatherbit API
- Pixabay API
- dotenv Package
- UUID Package
- jsPDF Package
- html2canvas Package
- Workbox Webpack Plugin Package (Service Workers)
This project does not have the API Keys for Weatherbit API and Pixabay API. So if you want to run this project in your desktop, you will need to register for the API Keys and have them saved in the .env file as:
To run the project, you'll need to have NodeJS in your desktop. In the project's directory, in the terminal, you'll need to run:
npm install
and afterwards,
npm run build-prod
This is so that your project's folder will have a dist folder containing all the files bundled by webpack. The server also points to this folder, so running those commands is necessary.
To run the web application you can run the following command line in your terminal.
npm start
Then in your browser, go to localhost:8080 where your web app is at.
login/ Registration :
Apply Search or Filter:
Adding Notification
Adding Messaging Features
Adding Distance Calculator
This is my College MERN Project