A comprehensive backend API for a toy shop E-commerce website with a user management system, carts, and order placements.
- Users can signup and signin to their accounts
- Public (non-authenticated) users can access all items available on the website
- Authenticated users can access their profile, cart and past orders as well as create a new order and edit the cart contents.
To run this project you will need nodeJS and npm installed on your machine first then:
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/YasserRohaim/ToyShop
Install the app's dependencies:
npm install
Create a .env file in your project root folder and add your MySQL and JWT variables.
- Run npm app.js to start the server.
- Connect to the API using Postman on port 3001.
| HTTP Verbs | Endpoints | Action |
| GET | /items | retrieves all items in the toyshop |
| GET | /items/:item_id | view a certain item |
| GET | /items/brand/:brand | view items from a certain brand |
| GET | /items/search | performs a search in the items database table |
| POST | /users/signup | To sign up a new user account |
| POST | /users/signin | To login an existing user account |
| GET | /users/view-orders | views the list of orders the user has made before |
| GET | /users/view-orders/:order-id | views the details of a certain order |
| GET | /users/user-profile | views the profile of the user |
| GET | /cart | views the current cart of the user |
| POST | /cart/add-item | adds an item to the cart |
| DELETE | /cart/delete-item | deletes an item from the cart |
| POST | /cart/update-quantity | updates the quantity of an item in the cart |
| POST | /cart/place-order | places an order with the current cart contents |
| DELETE | /cart/clear-cart | deletes all contents of the cart |
- NodeJS This is a cross-platform runtime environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine used in running JavaScript codes on the server. It allows for the installation and management of dependencies and communication with databases.
- ExpressJS This is a NodeJS web application framework.
This project is available for use under the MIT License.