A progress bar creator in javascript typescript!
NOTE: All examples and explanations are in javascript.
npm install @yetnt/progressbar
sudo npm install @yetnt/progressbar
yarn add @yetnt/progressbar
const { progressBar, ProgressBar } = require('@yetnt/progressbar')
progressBar(percentage, barWidth, emptyChar, fullChar, returnAr?, firstEdgeOverride?, lastEdgeOverride?)
percentage = 45 // How much of the bar is full. If 100% the whole thing is full. If 0 everything is empty.
barWidth = 10 // Width of the bar. If 10 it's 10 characters long
emptyChar = "□" // Empty character to display for parts of the bar that aren't filled.
fullChar = "■" // Full character to display for parts of the bar that are filled.
returnAr = false // (optional) Return an array or not
firstEdgeOverride = ["◁", "◀"] // (optional) Overrides the first edge with the elements
lastEdgeOverride = ["▷", "▶"] // (optional) Overrides the last edge with elements
// This is exactly the same for class, but returnAr is not a parameter
let bar = new ProgressBar(percentage, barWidth, emptyChar, fullChar, firstEdgeOverride?, lastEdgeOverride?)
or if you don't want to deconstruct them (for some reason)
const pb = require("@yetnt/progressbar");
// or
new pb.ProgressBar();
progressBar(45, 10, "□", "■");
let bar = new ProgressBar(45, 10, "□", "■");
progressBar(45, 10, "□", "■", true);
let bar = new ProgressBar(45, 10, "□", "■", true);
["■", "■", "■", "■", "□", "□", "□", "□", "□", "□"];
If you'd like you can also change the first bar element and the last bar element so you can edge it with emojis or something else.
["emptyChar", "filledChar"];
progressBar(56, 30, "▢", "▧", false, ["◁", "◀"], ["▷", "▶"]);
let bar = new ProgressBar(56, 30, "▢", "▧", ["◁", "◀"], ["▷", "▶"]);
Code may need to be modified depending on your command handler, currently setup using ic4d Command Handler/(Under Ctrl's Command Handler)
const { ProgressBar, progressBar } = require("@yetnt/progressbar"); // deconstructing
module.exports = {
name: "progressbar",
description: "useful npm package made by yet",
callback: async (client, interaction) => {
const progressBar = new ProgressBar(55, 10, "▢", "▧");
content: progressBar.bar,
ephemeral: true,
Unlike the function, If you update any one of the properties of the ProgessBar object, the bar updates.
let bar = new ProgressBar(56, 30, "▢", "▧", ["◁", "◀"], ["▷", "▶"]);
bar.bar; // ◀▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▷
bar.barWidth = 20;
bar.bar; // ◀▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▷
bar.percentage = 80;
bar.bar; // ◀▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▢▢▢▷
bar.firstEdgeOverride = [];
bar.lastEdgeOberride = [];
bar.bar; // ▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▢▢▢▢ (Removes Edge Overrides)
Warning : Bar may not work properly if you edit any other properties that aren't meant to be edited. (these tend to be properties with an _)
To seprate a bar with some value (Replace the last filled char), you can use the charSplit()
let bar = new ProgressBar(56, 30, "▢", "▧");
bar.bar; // ▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢
bar.bar; // ▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▧▶▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢▢
The bar will NOT charSplit if :
Last Edge Override is provided
Bar's percentage is 100%