- Dynamic Object Detect (YOLOv8)
- Dense PointCloud Mapping
- Octomap Path Planning
- UAV Control Using PX4 (Thanks to Lishen Pu from Tongji)
We have tested on:
[OS] = Ubuntu 18.04
[OpenCV] = 3.2
[Eigen3]= 3.3.1
[Pangolin] = 0.5
[ROS] = Melodic
[libtorch] from Baidu Netdisk code: 8y4k
cd ORB_SLAM3_Icarus
chmod +x build.sh
rgbd_tum, RGBD(ROS) and ros_RealsenseD435i (if you have your own equipments) targets will be build.
The frequency of camera topic must be lower than 15 Hz.
You can run this command to change the frequency of topic which published by the camera driver in /launch file, but it's optional
roslaunch camera_topic_remap.launch
From https://cvg.cit.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset/download
./Examples/RGB-D/rgbd_tum Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt config/TUMX.yaml PATH_TO_SEQUENCE_FOLDER ASSOCIATIONS_FILE
Dynamic ORB SLAM2 | ORB SLAM2 |
Remember to change the topic in ros_rgbd.cc !!
From https://lifelong-robotic-vision.github.io/dataset/scene
./Examples/ROS/RGBD Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt PATH_TO_SETTINGS_FILE
rosbag play YOUR_OWN_ROS_BAG
roslaunch rrtInteractive.launch (cd to this file)
Select your start and goal points in rviz.
Make sure that your gazebo/mavlink is working !!
You should learn how to establish your own project with PX4 or XTDrone